I love it. Is she into cameras or Portal? Also, you are in good time for Christmas presents, good on you.
A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by @1985MustangCobra@lemmy.ca whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
Photographer of mostly birds, but I did use the portal logo as a template for the design.
This is gorgeous -- what'd you use to make the cuts?
If I remember correctly I used my 12' sliding miter saw.
I expect it's not really the way irises work but since it's a clock making 12 sections might have made it more readable. Super sharp looking clock!
I'm not sure exactly how irises either but it was hard enough pasting the aperture laboratories logo into sketchup to get the angles correct that it never crossed my mind to change the number of sections.
Absolutely stunning work. I've got an anniversary coming up so I'm stealing the clock idea.
Edit to ask: Where did you get the clock hardware?
2pcs High Torque Quartz Clock Movement Mechanism Replacement Clock Kit with 7 Different Pairs of Hands Clock for DIY Handicrafts Repair Clock Parts Shaft Lengths 22mm https://a.co/d/0LSnYXm
Fantastic, thanks a ton!