I got up yesterday morning to my HA server down again. It's been doing it daily since the last update, and has been warning me about Journal issues for a year at least.

Well the tried and true method of turning it off at the wall, counting to 10 and turning it back on again didn't work.

Having a scan through Docker and trying to get it started told me JournalD or whatever it is, is not installed for that container and refused to start.

So I just unplugged the SSD, wrote HAOS to it and plugged it back in, signed in and installed my backup.

Then it died for 3 hours before rising like Lazarus.

Honestly the only problem I had with the whole process was a lack of a timer telling me, well, anything while the restore was occuring.

It's funny how, even though I've relied on the Backup/Restore function so.many times, I'm still surprised at how easy it all is.

Also a funny thing happened. We had a whole day with no automated lights while I sorted it out.

My 10 year old came to me at bedtime to complain his bedside lamp didn't work, so I explained that it does work, you just have to use it like a "normal lamp" and switch it off and back on with the button.

He could not comprehend that at all! I had to explain the button I meant wasn't the ZigBee one he's been using for years, but an actual physical button on the lamp. It cracked me up, my kids don't know how lights work!

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this post was submitted on 25 Sep 2023
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