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Discussions on vintage and retrocomputing
Although the BASIC-8 is a limited dialect, I can speak it, even after all these years. No doubt the Processor can interpret it!
The work of David Ahl is good enough to support the PDP-8 with a small cheery BASIC dialect who could work on the 4KWord of the PDP-8. Love for the awesome PiDP-8!
Next time I would try his port of HAMURABI if I can source it. Its the BASIC version of the FOCAL game playing as a Sumerian king.
Was just playing around on there, added my low-pass RC filter program (FILTER.BAS) and also fixed FIBCOW.BAS which had a bug that was printing the previous number doubled instead of Fibonacci numbers. The fixed version is called FIXCOW.BAS (got to be creative with 6-letter filenames!).
I worked on DECmate - the PDP8 system that DEC had for wordprocessing. I learnt the machine code instructions to support the software.
I used a DEC WPS-8 or something like that. It uset a software called WP78 on a VT-52 PDP-8-based word processing system.