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Rankiem 10 marca kontenerowiec Solong zderzył się z amerykańskim tankowcem na Morzu Północnym. Brytyjska policja aresztowała 59-letniego kapitana Solonga, którego nazwisko nie zostało jeszcze ujawnione. Raport Reutersa wskazuje jednak, że kapitan jest obywatelem Rosji.

Solong, należący do międzynarodowej firmy żeglugowej Ernst Russ z siedzibą w Hamburgu, uderzył w zakotwiczony amerykański tankowiec Stena Immaculate, który przewoził paliwo lotnicze dla amerykańskiego wojska. Uderzenie spowodowało wybuch pożarów na obu statkach, do 12 marca płomienie nie zostały w pełni ugaszone. Załogi zostały ewakuowane, ale jeden członek załogi Solong pozostaje zaginiony. Kapitan jest podejrzany o nieumyślne spowodowanie śmierci w wyniku zaniedbania, ponieważ przypuszcza się, że zaginiony członek załogi zmarł w wyniku incydentu.

Według danych lokalizacyjnych AIS (Automatic Identification System), Solong zbliżał się do Stena Immaculate z prędkością 16 węzłów (około 30 km/h) i nie podejmował żadnych widocznych prób uniknięcia kolizji. Amerykański marynarz na pokładzie tankowca powiedział CBS News, że kontenerowiec pojawił się „znienacka”.

Początkowe doniesienia po wypadku sugerowały, że Solong przewoził 15 kontenerów toksycznego cyjanku sodu. Jednak Ernst Russ później temu zaprzeczył, stwierdzając: „Na pokładzie znajdują się cztery puste kontenery, które wcześniej zawierały niebezpieczne chemikalia”, zgodnie z oświadczeniem uzyskanym przez The Insider.


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On the morning of March 10, the container ship Solong collided with an American tanker in the North Sea. British police subsequently arrested the 59-year-old captain of the Solong, whose name has not yet been disclosed. However, a Reuters report indicates that the captain is a Russian citizen.

The Solong, owned by the Hamburg-based international shipping company Ernst Russ, struck the anchored U.S. tanker Stena Immaculate, which was carrying jet fuel for the U.S. military. The impact caused fires to break out on both vessels, and as of March 12, the flames had not been fully extinguished. The crews were evacuated, but one Solong crew member remains missing. The captain is suspected of involuntary manslaughter due to negligence, as the missing crew member is presumed to have died as a result of the incident.

According to AIS (Automatic Identification System) tracking data, Solong was approaching Stena Immaculate at a speed of 16 knots (approximately 30 km/h) and made no visible attempts to avoid the collision. An American sailor aboard the tanker told CBS News that the container ship appeared “out of the blue.”

Initial reports following the accident suggested that Solong was carrying 15 containers of toxic sodium cyanide. However, Ernst Russ later denied this, stating: “There are four empty containers on board that previously held hazardous chemicals,” according to a statement obtained by The Insider.




On the morning of March 10, the container ship Solong collided with an American tanker in the North Sea. British police subsequently arrested the 59-year-old captain of the Solong, whose name has not yet been disclosed. However, a Reuters report indicates that the captain is a Russian citizen.

The Solong, owned by the Hamburg-based international shipping company Ernst Russ, struck the anchored U.S. tanker Stena Immaculate, which was carrying jet fuel for the U.S. military. The impact caused fires to break out on both vessels, and as of March 12, the flames had not been fully extinguished. The crews were evacuated, but one Solong crew member remains missing. The captain is suspected of involuntary manslaughter due to negligence, as the missing crew member is presumed to have died as a result of the incident.

According to AIS (Automatic Identification System) tracking data, Solong was approaching Stena Immaculate at a speed of 16 knots (approximately 30 km/h) and made no visible attempts to avoid the collision. An American sailor aboard the tanker told CBS News that the container ship appeared “out of the blue.”

Initial reports following the accident suggested that Solong was carrying 15 containers of toxic sodium cyanide. However, Ernst Russ later denied this, stating: “There are four empty containers on board that previously held hazardous chemicals,” according to a statement obtained by The Insider.


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