[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

Eh. I’m still driven by pleasure and pain, so nothing really changes.

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

Damnit Joe! You could have at least waited for the December 16 sentencing. As a first time offender he might have gotten off with a slap on the wrist (depending on the judge) and you wouldn’t look like such a hypocrite for letting him just be sentenced. By acting preemptively, you’re just sending the signal that it doesn’t matter what crimes were committed, he won’t be held accountable. If you’re going to stand on principle for four years, doing nothing to ensure Trump faces consequences, why throw it away at the very end. What a clusterfuck our political system has become.

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 21 points 1 month ago

I returned to my hometown to handle the passing of my grandfather. I didn’t call my friend, who I had known since preschool, to go hang out. In reality I didn’t give a single thought to contacting anyone I knew – I had family to take care of. He felt insulted by that and chose to never speak to me again.

If this sounds completely illogical, I can assure you I’m just as baffled as you.

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 15 points 2 months ago

51! = $1,551,118,753,287,382,280,224,243,016,469,303,211,063,259,720,016,986,112,000,000,000,000

That’s a pretty big donation even if it were in pesos.

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 8 points 2 months ago

Is it really any different than forcing a woman to carry and raise her rapist’s child?

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 11 points 2 months ago

Here’s a real number. 56% of Americans read at or below a sixth grade reading level.

When complex topics like the economy are discussed, _at least _ 56% can’t comprehend the concepts because they lack the vocabulary. They do not understand how government works, or their own bodies, or diplomacy, or historical contexts. They are not capable of being part of many important national conversations.

Now couple this with the fact that Democrats are terrible at messaging and simplifying complex policy into digestible sound bites while Republicans have perfected it, and you can easily see how we get to where we are now.

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 11 points 2 months ago

The only reason Google is still my default search engine on desktop is …. dates.

I’m a dev and the date next to each search result helps me skip a ton of irrelevant links and get to the ones that most likely apply to my situation. DDG and other search engines usually don’t show any dates.

I’ve sent feedback to DDG on this but obviously that had no impact. If they add dates, I’m done with Google.

On mobile I still use DDG since my searches are generally not date specific.

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 9 points 2 months ago

This. Women are already literally dying. The first woman (that we know of) to die from the abortion ban happened within just 20 days – before SCOTUS even heard the case that overturned Roe. And her story is a painful, heartbreaking read.

Plus, does nobody remember immigrant families being ripped apart? Kids put in cages? Their “family ID” being – whoops – deleted from the database so they couldn’t be reunited with their parents?

But sure. Life will go on like normal.

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 7 points 2 months ago

We’re back!

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 25 points 2 months ago

After paying $720/yr, then $840, then being told it would be over $900 this year, I wasn’t really happy about the cost of using Dropbox. But it’s been rock solid for many years and was heavily integrated into my company’s workflow, so I smiled and bent over.

Until they took away the unlimited storage. I was using 31TB, and they wanted to put me at 15TB with no option to upgrade even if I wanted to.

I already had an on-site NAS, so I bought another for $3k (with drives) and asked a family member in another state to house it. I’m using Resilio to sync everything. It’s been backing up for a couple of months and probably has a couple more to go. So far I’m happy with the decision.

I have to imagine I’m not the only one making this move. Even if they fix the problem, I’m not going back. It’s far cheaper to keep a customer than to win a new one. Hopefully they learn their lesson.

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 27 points 2 months ago

You want hypocrisy? Wait until you see the 180° flip on mail-in voting after this election. They’ve been telling us for five years that mail-in ballots are all fraudulent. Now that Democrats are telling women they can use in-person voting to undermine their husbands, I guarantee they will push to make mail-in voting far easier and shut down more polling places.

3D chess my ass.

[-] 418_im_a_teapot@lemmy.world 8 points 5 months ago

“You can’t hold my beer. I’M NOT LETTING GO OF MY BEER”

– Kavanaugh

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