[-] 520@kbin.social 72 points 4 months ago

Kinda has to be. Too easy for Elon to turn it into a shit storm against her otherwise

[-] 520@kbin.social 78 points 4 months ago

Not to mention, they kicked out Russia for the war in Ukraine

[-] 520@kbin.social 77 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Haha oh nooo. The official lore can be surprisingly fucking dark. Even in the games, the reason Jubilife exists is because wild Pokémon smoked an entire village. Burnt the fucking thing to the ground and gave the Galaxy Clan's commander PTSD.

Also in the beginning of Arceus, your rival has only just recovered from hospitalisation after they took a thunderbolt from a Shinx.

Then there are literal wars that break out. And some of the Pokédex entries. And the mangas go fucking dark too at times.

The losing your lunch money is just a game mechanic.

[-] 520@kbin.social 75 points 5 months ago

The original Spanish Flu would absolutely fuck us up.

The reason it became mild has nothing to do with us building immunity but because a virus killing its host is bad for business (or strictly speaking, reproduction). A lack of viable hosts puts pressure on the virus's gene pool and in the end, the variant that is most successful at spreading and reproducing will win out.

That means not killing your host and only doing mild, repairable damage to other potential hosts so that humans don't take an infection so seriously.

We saw this exact pattern with COVID, with successive iterations being less deadly than the last.

[-] 520@kbin.social 69 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

This kid deserves a 7-8 digits salary as a pentester, not prison; plenty of pentesting companies would hire him in a heartbeat.

You're forgetting a vitally important part of being a pentester.

Namely that they need to be trusted not to leak billions of dollars worth of trade secrets.

This kid is a prodigy as a black hat, but he'd be an embarrassment as a pentester.

[-] 520@kbin.social 77 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The main use case of this is in porting. So if someone wanted to make a native port of their game, this library would make it potentially much easier.

[-] 520@kbin.social 87 points 7 months ago

No, things aren't rosy. What happened under trump was a corporate apologist shitshow though.

[-] 520@kbin.social 72 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I know right? If anything she's worse; she's the one not doing it out of necessity. She actually has a realistic choice.

Not that I have much sympathy for the supermarkets but fuck me, don't pretend you're better than the next person doing it, especially when they might only be doing it out of necessity.

[-] 520@kbin.social 89 points 7 months ago

All billionaires are cunts. All Nazis are cunts. Not all billionaires are Nazis.

[-] 520@kbin.social 88 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Jesus. This sounds like literally every parody version of George W Bush, trying to get a laugh out of how massively exaggerated they made his stupidity.

[-] 520@kbin.social 71 points 9 months ago

I mean, it's better than Twitter in the one key aspect they care about: it is run by someone who is somewhat reliable. Sure, we can rely on Zuck to be a data-hoarding, privacy-invading fuck, but he can also be relied on to not insert his personal beliefs too deeply into his products.

[-] 520@kbin.social 69 points 9 months ago

I have a hard time deciding what to do with this.

On the one hand... Dude, even as someone who loves dark humour, I couldn't bring myself to make a cancer joke upon news of a diagnosis unless the person was a true shitstain on the earth, like Trump.

On the other hand...that was fucking brilliant and works on so many levels.

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