
joined 2 days ago
[–] 8 points 12 hours ago

one reason is literally fear, the side that they're fighting against literally has all the guns and the psychopaths.

[–] 2 points 23 hours ago

the american dub of crayon shin chan they called the character 'action kamen' 'action bastard' instead. i like the ring of action bastard but don't want profanity in my name so i went with basto.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

element feels very difficult to use in my opinion. screensharing is the perfect example, because you need to first initiate a video call by first choosing between to types of video calls. one type is video chat only the other has extra features like screensharing that aren't in any sort of tooltip. then you most likely will want to turn off your camera, and so does everyone else, then you need to click the screenshare button and there you go. i forgot to mention this all needs to be done with someone as you can't screenshare to a lobby, it needs to be part of a video call.

there are other things i dont like, such as the fact that on android i cannot adjust the volume of a specific persons voice while on a call with them (or at all as far as i can tell), and adjusting the volume on my phone doesn't affect the call volume either it is always max requiring me to hold my thumb partially over the speaker to keep my ears from ringing when talking this loud people. i also find that notifications especially for phone calls don't work well, and if 2 people try to initiate a call at the same moment it will not register either until you completely close the app and restart.

signing up and logging in, especially on multiple devices is quite annoying as you need to set up so many security features, which aren't necessary for those of us who aren't super concerned about the privacy of our gaming chats. it'a very frustrating to not be able to see your past messages when switching from one device to the other without dealIng with all the encryption settinga first.

discord, for all it's flaws, for the most part nails all the basic functions right out of the box. me, my friends regardless of tech savyness, and even my parents who are approaching 70 years old can use it just fine.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

taking the article into more consideration i think you are right, this comment was pushed to the bottom so i guess by the time i got there it had slipped my mind what exactly the article said haha. though i do think it comes from a place of ignorance rather than malice. i personally might have made the same mistake which is why i attempted to give them the benefit of the doubt. prior to conversing with you i wasn't very well informed on the etiquette. i would have assumed "they/them" was just the safest route to avoid offending anyone regardless of whether or not i knew.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

did they edit their comment? or is it wrong to call someone who prefers she/her by they/them? i feel like they/them is the neutral version so if you prefer either he/him or she/her then they/them also applies, no? sorry if i'm being ignorant here.

edit: i guess people do distinguish they/them as a way to identify non-binary people, and so using they/them on a person who specifically requests she/her can be offensive if you have been informed that they have a preference. but i don't see how using they/them to describe a person you don't know anything about other than that they are transgender is offensive when there are so many possibilities for preferences. as a cis man i don't feel offended being refered to as they/them and i think it would only be respectful to assume that someone who transitions ftm would also be comfortable with that, unless otherwise stated. i'm not a woman so i obviously can't say for certain but i'd imagine i would also be okay with she/them, and therefore a mtf transgender would also be okay by default. 'by default' in this case meaning the circumstance in which you haven't been explicitly informed of their preferences. i guess that's just my respect compass- which very well might be wrong from some people's point of view but i think it's obvious that it doesn't come from a negative place, which is why i don't think the original comment in necessarily trying to disrespect her.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago

so he's a fucking idiot is your excuse?

[–] 10 points 2 days ago (4 children)

desperately needs screen sharing. it's basically the only reason me and my friends use discord still.