[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 month ago

Drew mentions this and points out that it's a new OS design and will therefore take a long time. He argues that an OS based on the linux design would be much easier.

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 months ago

Not all radio noise is from the CMB. There's also thermal noise, though this would be minimized too if our hypothetical radio at the end of time is near absolute zero.

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 8 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

One clarification: electric charge, angular momentum, and color charge are conserved quantities, not symmetries. Time is a continuous symmetry though, and its associated conserved quantity is energy.

Similarly, information isn't a symmetry, but it is a conserved quantity. So I assume you're asking if there's an associated symmetry for it from Noether's theorem. This is an interesting question: while Noether's theorem ensures that any continuous symmetry will have a corresponding conserved quantity, ~~the reverse isn't necessarily true as far as I know.~~ In the case of information conservation, this normally follows naturally from the fact that the laws of physics are deterministic and reversible (Newton's laws or the Schrodinger equation).

If you insist on trying to find such a symmetry, then you can do so by equating conservation of information with the conservation of probability current in quantum mechanics. This then becomes a math problem: is there a transformation of the quantum mechanical wavefunction (psi) that leaves its action invariant? It turns there is: the transformation psi -> exp(i*theta)*psi. So it seems the symmetry of the wavefunction with respect to complex phase necessitates the conservation of probability current (i.e. information).

Edit: Looking into it a bit more, Noether's theorem does work both ways. Also, the Wikipedia page outlines this invariance of the wavefunction with complex phase. In that article, they use it to show conservation of electric current density by multiplying the wavefunction by the particle's charge, but it seems to me the first thing it shows is conservation of probability current density. If you're interested in other conserved quantities and their associated symmetries, there's a nice table on Wikipedia that summarizes them.

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The required temperature depends on the mass of the particles you're considering. You could say photons are always relativistic, so even the photon gas that is the cosmic microwave background is relativistic at 2.7 K. But you're presumably more interested in massive particles.

If you apply the kinetic theory of gases to hydrogen, you'll find that the average kinetic energy will reach relativistic levels (taken to be when it becomes comparable to the rest mass energy) around 10^12^ K. For the free electrons (since we'll be dealing with plasmas at any sort of relativistic temperatures), this temperature is around 10^9^ K due to the smaller mass of the electron. These temperatures are reached at the cores of newly-formed neutron stars (~10^12^ K) [1] and the accretion disks of stellar-mass black holes (~10^9^ K) [2], but not at the cores of typical stars. Regarding time dilation, an individual particle's clock would tick slower from the perspective of an observer in the center-of-mass frame of the relativistic gas, but I don't think this would have any noticeable effect on any of the bulk properties of the gas (except for the decay of any unstable particles). Length contraction would probably affect collision cross-sections, though I haven't done any calculations for this to say anything specific. One important effect would be the fact that the distribution of speeds would follow a Maxwell–Jüttner distribution instead of a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, and that collisions between particles could be energetic enough to create particle-antiparticle pairs. This would affect things like the number of particles in the gas, the relationship between temperature and pressure, the specific heat of the gas, etc.

You mention the early history of the Universe in your other comment. You can look through this table on Wikipedia to see the temperature range during each of the epochs of the early Universe, as well as a description of what happened. The temperatures become non-relativistic for electrons at some point during the photon epoch.

[1] https://doi.org/10.1063%2F1.4909560

[2] https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.isci.2021.103544

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 6 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I only have surface level knowledge of String Theory, but my understanding is that strings vibrate in simple harmonic motion and that different frequencies correspond to different particles. Since idealized springs are simple harmonic oscillators, you could perhaps say that, in some sense, the strings in String Theory are springs.

But maybe that's what inspired your question. If you're asking why they can't be springs in a more literal, geometric sense, then I would speculate that it's related to the world sheet that a spring would trace out as it propagates through spacetime. A world line describes a trajectory of a point particle not just through space, but through time as well - thereby describing the history of the particle's motion. In quantum field theory, these world lines are used in Feynman diagrams to describe interactions between particles. However, these diagrams always have sharp interaction vertices. In other words, the interaction occurs at a specific point in spacetime, which is problematic in terms of relativity (different observers should not need to agree on when a spacetime event occurred). For reasons I don't understand, this can give rise to infinities (ultraviolet divergences) when doing certain calculations. These have to removed through renormalization, but apparently this doesn't work when trying to develop a quantum theory of gravity.

In the case of a one-dimensional object like a string, instead of tracing out a world line, it traces out a two-dimensional surface called a world sheet. A consequence of this is that the sharp vertices of Feynman diagrams disappear: while an interaction did occur globally, it did not occur at a specific point in spacetime (different observers will see the event occur at different times, so no relativity issues). This eliminates the ultraviolet divergences and the need for renormalization (again, apparently), allowing for a full quantum theory of gravity. If you were to change the geometry of the strings to something more spring-like, my guess is you would no longer get this nice behavior.

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 9 points 9 months ago

Depending on what you use on your TV, SmartTube may be an option. It even blocks sponsored segments within YouTube videos.

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Most experimental research in matter under extreme pressures is concerned with recreating conditions within the interiors of planets and stars (the latter falls under the field of high energy density physics). The temperatures involved therefore tend to be very high. However, there's no inherent conflict between high pressures and low temperatures, it's just that temperature tends to increase when you compress something. Compress an ideal gas, for example, and it will heat up. Let it sit in its compressed state for a while though, and it will cool back down despite remaining under high pressure.

This is true for solids and liquids too (putting any phase transitions aside), though they are much less compressible. The core of the Earth will eventually cool too, though it's currently kept at high temperature by the radioactive decay of heavy elements. Diamond anvil cells, however, can reach pressures exceeding those at the center of the earth in a laboratory setting, and some DACs can even be cooled to cryogenic temperatures. This figure on Wikipedia suggests cryo-DACs can be used to reach pressures up to 350 GPa at cryogenic temperatures. As an example, a quick search turns up a paper (arxiv version) that makes use of a DAC to study media at liquid nitrogen temperatures and pressures up to 10 GPa (~3% the pressure at the center of the Earth). Search around and I'm sure you can find others.

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 4 points 9 months ago

Yes, he's right that bringing the poles of two magnets together puts the system in a state of higher potential energy. And, yes, you could use this as an explanation for "why" the magnets repel by invoking the principle of minimum energy. You can even show that this results in a force, as a gradient in the potential energy is mathematically equivalent to a conservative force. I do think, though, that you can give further justification for the principle of minimum energy than he gives in the video, as it follows from the second law of thermodynamics (see Wikipedia article). Regarding the exchange of virtual photons and using this to explain how the electromagnetic force arises: I would avoid this entirely.

One side nitpick though: I wouldn't say that the energy came from "the chemical bonds in the food [you ate]", but rather the formation of new bonds as you digest the food. Chemical bonds are states of lower potential energy, so breaking them in the sense of separating the constituent atoms requires energy. It's just that different bonds can have even lower potential energy and therefore release energy when they're formed.

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 year ago

A Dyson swarm is basically just a huge number solar collectors orbiting the sun. Humanity could put some individual collectors in space if we wanted to, but we don't have anywhere near enough resources to make a full swarm.

Near-relativistic spacecraft are conceivably possible and are not too far beyond what's possible with current technology (though would still require significant advancements). The catch is that they would be very tiny and we would have to send a stream of them to their destination.

Retinal projectors are currently under development, and advanced ones could in principle be higher quality than current VR headsets while having a very small form-factor. Optical metamaterials such as metalenses would be very useful for this, particularly if they could be designed to work at all three RGB wavelengths simultaneously (not easy).


I know the A-series is more common, but I sometimes prefer the B-series. It's nice if, for example, you're looking for something between A4 and A5 (i.e. B5).

Individual images made by Wikipedia user Bromskloss (CC BY-SA 3.0)

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 year ago

Any composite particle can have an antiparticle counterpart if you replace all of its constituent particles with antiparticles (e.g. anti- up and down quarks in the case of protons and neutrons).

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 13 points 1 year ago

Yes, sound is the collective motion of particles in the form of a compression wave. As these waves propagate through a material and scatter off boundaries and inhomogeneities in general, they become less ordered and eventually indistinguishable from random atomic motion (i.e. thermal energy). However, in addition to this, sound waves can radiate away when in atmosphere. In the case of spacecraft, they can only dissipate into thermal energy and can therefore persist much longer. This is actually a problem engineers have to deal with, as unwanted vibrations can cause issues. There's research looking into addressing this by using materials specifically designed to be highly absorbent to sound waves at particular frequencies (i.e. the collective motion of atoms at particular frequencies rapidly decays into random thermal motion).

[-] AmalgamatedIllusions@lemmy.ml 13 points 1 year ago

No, they don't annihilate. The electron will scatter off the other particle, though any differences in charge will of course affect the scattering. For example, an electron and a proton could become bound to make a hydrogen atom, but this couldn't happen with an anti-proton. Any nuclear reactions (specifically electron capture) would be affected too.

In the case of free anti-neutrons, there's a chance the anti-neutron could decay into an anti-proton and a positron. If this were to happen during the collision with an electron, the electron could potentially annihilate with the positron.

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