Depends of which currency you're talking about. Brazilian Reais ? Sure. Minimum wage here is R$ 18k/yr, so that would be about 4x that. US Dollars ? Pretty hard, unless you're on executive levels.
But... Cost of living here is much lower than in US. Take food for example. A Discord friend from Colorado showed me a picture of a carton of eggs... US$ 7.50 for a dozen. Here in Brazil for that price you could buy around 50 or 60 eggs. Buying or renting a home is way cheaper too, fuel costs are lower, because our cars can run on Ethanol, which is 40% cheaper that Gasoline, we don't have to spend money on heating or heavy winter clothes (except for the 3 southern states, but it still cheaper than northern US. The coldest those states get around 25F).
Sure, electronics and cars are a bit more expensive, same for some luxury goods. But even with those things costing more, with wages close to the equivalent of US$ 30k, you can have a standard of living that in the US would require closer to US$ 100k.
Unlikelly. Bolsonaro has nothing to offer that the Orange Menace wants, not to mention that by being indicted, Bolsonaros' passport was confiscated a year ago, and he's under surveilance by the Federal Police.
What amazes me is, my country is infamous for it's corruption and impunity, especially for politicians, but we're nearly convicting an ex-president, while such "beacon of democracy" (/s), the US, is quickly decaying into a banana republic.