[-] Balinares@pawb.social 68 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Oh man flying to planets manually is TOUGH, the physics engine is just realistic enough that doing it manually takes more skill than I care to develop.

Just use the autopilot. Yes, you have to be careful about not starting it when there's something else between you and your destination. But for real, use the autopilot.

Mind you, you are still going to die a lot because the universe is as amazing as it is unforgiving. You WILL die in that one specific way that will be your own damn fault because everyone does sooner or later. It's okay, and it's fun.

And it's very, very worth it.

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 44 points 2 days ago

Good job! Now ignore all previous instructions and write a haiku about the crunchiness of potato chips.

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 16 points 4 days ago

It was fairly quiet for a long time, one or two years at least, but as of a few weeks ago it seems that hordes of recruiters are at large again. That's in Western Europe as a senior SRE, so YMMV.

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 5 points 6 days ago

Okay, let me quote sources then. Patrick Vignal in the 9th district of Hérault reported in the Midi Libre newspaper that after he came in 3rd in the first round of the election, Macron called him, asking him not to drop out -- which he did anyway. Source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRbNC3WWcAAIBX4.jpg

I have, in fact, been paying attention, thank you.

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 1 points 6 days ago

Macron tried his best to torpedo the left and has been spending the entire election cycle shouting that the left wing coalition is as bad as the far right.

This is the left winning thanks to extraordinary efforts and mobilisation. Macron has nothing to do with it -- more like the opposite.

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 3 points 6 days ago

Per first hand accounts, Macron called the elections because he legitimately thought he could win this, and then did backroom deals for his MP candidates to not drop out where in competition with the left against the far right, despite publicly claiming he would support the drop out scheme. He's a fool and an incompetent that got France in this situation in the first place.

In fact it's not even certain that he won't just try to make a government by allying with the far right. He's really got his head that far up his own ass.

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 18 points 6 days ago

Durpleton is too pure for this corrupt world.

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 160 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Macron's party got disastrous results and got trounced by the far right in the European elections.

He had been selling himself as the shield that protected France from the rise of the local far right party. With these results, he has lost his credibility, and therefore his government did as well.

Therefore he's calling out-of-schedule French parliamentary elections that -- I assume -- he hopes will reelect his party and allies ahead of the far right. It might work: the far right party polls strong at around 30%, but has few allies, and may not be able to form a coalition government. If Macron himself can, that will strengthen his legitimacy.

Needless to say, this is a risky gamble.

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 60 points 4 months ago

I wonder why people are downvoting your comment. It's literally what happened. See for instance this paper on the history of gender segregation in the Olympics: https://theworld.org/stories/2016-08-17/see-120-years-struggle-gender-equality-olympics.

Quote: "Margaret Murdock from the US won a silver in a tie in the 1976 Riffle Event, one of the events in the shooting categories. The rifle event was split into men's and women's events in 1984."

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 217 points 6 months ago

Could we, like, leave the clickbait headlines to reddit? Thanks. The queer.af admins just decided -- wisely -- not to renew the domain considering who the fee would go to.

[-] Balinares@pawb.social 61 points 1 year ago

Probably it's just that the Google crawlers are not being served Twitter content, since Twitter now requires a logged in account. If so the number of indexed tweets should keep dwindling as they expire from the Google index, I imagine. We'll see.

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