[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 278 points 1 week ago

I like being able to check how busy a place is, but not like this. Simple head count or an average wait time is good. Using web cams is creepy overkill. Typical tech bro invasive shit.

[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 239 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I felt bad reading this. Fast food is way too expensive here in 2024. And then you had to write an essay justifying yourself because of all the pedantic jerks who love to pounce on the smallest of things.

[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 171 points 3 weeks ago

As much as I disliked Steve Jobs, the man was 100% correct when he talked about companies rotting from the inside. They get taken over by sales & marketing types and the product designers and user experience experts get kicked to the curb.

Aum Shinrikyo (en.wikipedia.org)
Gerald Foos (en.wikipedia.org)
Death rattle (en.wikipedia.org)
[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 165 points 1 month ago

I wonder if others on the jury helped them see the light. Or maybe the nodding and smiling was sarcasm, or even intentionally trolling Trump. Fun to think about.


Looking for something engaging and interactive (preferably free, but I don't mind paying a reasonable price). Thanks for your suggestions!

submitted 1 month ago by Boozilla@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by Boozilla@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
House of Terror (en.wikipedia.org)
James Arthur Ray (en.m.wikipedia.org)
Body in the cylinder (en.wikipedia.org)
Carnac stones (en.wikipedia.org)
[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 164 points 3 months ago

Years ago, back before it was totally shitty, someone on reddit posted a gigantic, comprehensive, well-sourced list of all the horrible shit Zuck / Meta have done over the years.

It's unfortunate that long lists of damning facts can't seem to move the needle very much. People don't seem to care unless directly impacted.

I hate seeing Meta dig its tentacles in. Thanks for posting this.

[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 159 points 4 months ago

I don't miss the dipshits, pun spammers, and smug power mods of reddit at all. I do miss their niche subs and smarter users. Like it or not, they do have some brainy folks peppered among the shit posters.

We have some good folks here, too. Just need more of them.

It's a shame reddit has been dialing up the shit faucet slowly enough that most of their users don't notice how awful it is now. They've grown accustomed to the poor quality of the content and weaponized greed of the owners.

[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 245 points 5 months ago

After reading "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer, I feel like anyone still traveling to climb Everest is a rich douchebag. It's glorified tourism of the worst kind. It's been done a zillion times already, and isn't as impressive as they fantasize. Go run a marathon or something for your stupid adventure junky social media clout. The sherpas do all the real work.

[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 159 points 8 months ago

Exactly. There's too many platforms, not enough quality content on any one of them, and weaponized greed. Worse, these streaming services have "inspired" every asshole executive out there to make everything under the sun a subscription model.

[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 173 points 8 months ago

Let's assume for the sake of argument he's correct. So fucking what? Wealth concentration is wage theft. Profits are at historic highs. They owe it to the workers to put down the fucking whip. It's better for the environment. Every worker who wants to telecommute (in jobs where it's possible) should be allowed to do so. It's unethical not to. It should be made illegal, IMO.

[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 237 points 10 months ago

Whenever I get frustrated by the outages I remind myself: still better than reddit.

[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 184 points 11 months ago

I agree with the article that real estate is at the core of the issue. Always follow the money.

However, I also think some mid-level supervisor types get off on the power trip of making subordinates do things they don't want to do, such as wasting several hours a week commuting and polluting between home and office.

And of course you'll always have the suckups who want to score points by acting so eager to show up in person. They are the reason it's so hard to unify and fight these measures in many shops.

I'm not talking about people who have a genuine preference for working in the office. There are many legitimate reasons to have such a preference. I'm talking about psychos who want to force everyone to do it when it's not necessary, and don't support telecommuting as a legitimate way to work.

[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 186 points 1 year ago

Shit like this is what lorem ipsum is for.

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