
joined 2 weeks ago

Come on France, those are scrub tier numbers

They're admitting that now dead people did bad things a long time ago. Not exactly impressive

Yeah. Not even Texans buy that crap. The only way out of the US for any state is through an ocean of blood.

I'd rather live in a world where the concept of "copyright" doesn't exist at all. Unfortunately we don't live in that world and art can be exchanged for money. As such, let's stick to trying to keep people from starving rather than pretending this is fine because the concept of capitalism is inherently broken, mkay?

Fear of the "next guy" is the only reason la'orang is still alive. All of this is the fault of people gearing "what's next". The number of evil people on earth is finite. Even if the next one is worse, there's only one way forward. So just take the win. The number of evil is about to drop by one

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Who's welcome is it?

When you can hypnotize people into doing your will, you gotta dream bigger. Don't get yourself a maid. Get yourself a country and the maids will come to you

Yup. Released in 97' in the US. Not sure why you felt this needed to be added, but yes. You have stated several true facts.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago (3 children)

There are Genz who are older than the DVD. I'm certain that the majority of them would know what a VCR is. Unless they were very rich, they still watched movies on tape when they were little. That's before we talk about how the VCR//DVD combo unit was the most popular option well into the DVD life cycle because most people didn't want to re-buy what they already had on tape. VCR didn't really die until Blu-ray kicked it off the combo unit with the DVD which wasn't until like 2007. Some of them were in middle school by then

And Vermonters. It's also a fuck you to the state that hates Trump the most.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (5 children)

I get the shot part but you're seriously telling me someone in another country wouldn't ever think to use the two tonne high speed steel box around them as a weapon when threatened?

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