I changed the community to NSFW because people were complaining that drone footage cutting to static was NSFW and displaying in 'All'.
Edit: To be clear I do not think this is NSFW and would gladly revert to not-NSFW if admins and community don't care about the inevitable complaints.
This isn't a news community. It is a Ukrainian one. The preface "Russians say..." is all that is needed for desirable participants to understand the rest is BS.
You are spamming. Move on.
Edit: Oh, and FTR
I wish these things came with an English transcript :P
I just made it a week ago or so.
Different server and mod(s). Pretty much was created because that TIFU didn’t show up on my searches for whatever reason. TBH its too early to really say. Hopefully it gets used more.
Different server and mod(s). Pretty much was created because that TIFU didn't show up on my searches for whatever reason. TBH its too early to really say. Hopefully it gets used more.
It was a PITA to fall asleep last night but I do feel better today thanks. It only hurts when I move now.
While Ukraine has taken a small piece of Kursk
That 'small piece of Kursk' is more territory than Russia has gained between their Kharkiv withdrawal and subsequent slow grinding offensive.
The losses are for less than nothing. Even with their seemingly inexorable advance they've lost overall territory and fighting ability relative to Ukraine. I still project Russia has maybe 2 years tops of fighting left but so long as Ukraine limits their withdrawal rate to what we've seen of late they will win.
Truth is a defence for slander/libel. Her coming that close to killing a pedestrian, and being so demonstrably... 'unconcerned' about it would be the obvious rebuttal. Also, it being an excited utterance under stress would strain the claim that any reasonable person would believe the statement was factual, and hence, isn't slanderous.