[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 49 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Nothing stops them! except shitty wages that are not enough to pay your absurdly high bills for housing, utility and shitty food plus competition which does not treat their eorkers fair and is therefore much more profitable and can easily destroy your worker-friendly cooperative, which they totally will do because CAPITALISM

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 36 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Arch Linux


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[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 37 points 11 months ago

The Allies left West-Germany in 1994.

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 40 points 11 months ago

As a german communist lemmy app, i disagree

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 50 points 11 months ago

Es ist ein schritt nach vorne, wenn Krankenkassen nicht mehr dafür bezahlen und diesem Müll die staatliche Legitimation entzogen wird. Das Geschwurbel ist da erstmal zweitrangig.

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 44 points 11 months ago

Don't forget Otto Normalverbraucher. Nobody cares about Otto Normalverbraucher.

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 41 points 11 months ago

Sadly, the IRS isn't properly staffed or equip to go after rich people...

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 51 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Because they're racist.

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 44 points 11 months ago

Nah, that's just wrong. You can compare yourself in other ways than how much fake money you earn. Fun thing is: truly communistic society would mean easier work for most people.

And communism does work in small scale enviroments. Families, cooperatives, tribes. Sometimes neighborhoods.

This whole "Sounds great but won't work" rhethoric is just what the ones that would loose their power in communsim want you to think. If you dig into it you will see, that there were and are a lot of efforts to discredit the idea.

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 36 points 1 year ago

Mit Betonung auf "darf".

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 35 points 1 year ago

No, it's just propaganda. While the Nato is problematic in at least some ways, the comparison with nazi germany fails ön many different levels.

[-] CAPSLOCKFTW@lemmy.ml 48 points 1 year ago

Mastodon was very depressing for me, this follower centric self presentation stuff is super not my style, it don't want it to be about me, I most likely suck but I say smart things some times, so I want it to be about the stuff I say.

Plus I don't mind being downvoted into oblivion. I actually think that this can be a good thing. It means that there was something at least controversial about what I posted so I might be wrong or have to argue better.

Lastly, mastodon is too much safe space and filter bubble. I want to read things from people that I disagree with and I want to argue with them in good faith. When I tried this on mastodon, I got misquoted, blocked, harassed... You name it.

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