When I watched Sweeney Todd in theaters, half of the audience left when Johny Depp started singing. They didn't know what they signed up for.
With out star trek v I wouldn't have my favorite quote for use at work. "Share your pain."
Thanks for the post! I haven't been checking for my Pixel XL for several months (March) and lost hope it would ever get a new build, but the build is there. Thanks again and to anyone involved in the effort.
I have this all the time when I'm on my mullvald vpn. Makes me want to not use it half the time :(
Nice. This is my gift for next year to my self. I think it'll be the last coffee machine I'm missing... I think....
This looks like a direct to video (streaming) movie.
Years ago there were some multi-account credit cards floating around. Maybe that could be open sourced... Not sure...
Better get all the Star Trek shows on physical media before they disappear from existence lol
My kid loves pinto beans. Maybe she'll love Margot as well? 🤔
Password Manager that is not LastPass lol
This is what we need next season.
? I prefer the original special effects, but that's what I grew up with and it gives me the most comfort. I think the only way to watch the original is with the blurays at this point.
Back in the day prime used to have both available for streaming, but the golden era has ended.
If you want the highest quality video and audio the Blu-ray is the best you can get.