Unfortunately, that sort of slime is pretty common.
And have you seen her appearances with Cynthia Erivo?
Depending on how you spell it, I think the arc already began.
John Brown had it right.
I applaud your moral high ground stance, but it's worth saying there's no court that can punish a man like that. They are above the law.
What's your idealist's heart say about what to do about people like that when the system that's supposed to protect us from them is completely and utterly broken?
Joe Biden has the opportunity to do the funniest thing.
Donnie Darko would approve
Thisnis the assumption we should all go on, for two reaeons: (1) We don't want to enable the potential persecution or reprisals for an innocent person, and (2) Who actually wants them to catch the guy anyway?
Don't forget about the one that said "depose". That's the most important one.
It was bound to get to this point eventually. Who was it who said something about what happens when all avenues for change are removed except for the point of a blade?
Screw his family. They're enablers and collaborators.
He shits himself and his supporters drop all remaining pretense and declare him the literal Messiah.