
joined 2 years ago

In spirit I suppose. But they have been an empire for a while:

Liechtenstein or Andorra perhaps. Bit too small for "empire". Or Kosovo, given that they haven't been independent for that long.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Korea had the longest unbroken chain of slavery of any society in human history, spanning over 1500 years.

That's merely one interpretation of quantum mechanics. There are others that don't conclude this (though they come with their own caveats, which haven't been disproven but they seem unpalatable to most physicists).

Still, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle does claim that even if the universe is predictable, it's essentially impossible to gather the information to actually predict it.

Wouldn't work, banks would almost certainly flag and hold the transaction for possible fraud, and banks can also just reverse transactions like that (usually for a fee paid to the original receiving bank). Even serial numbers of bills can be marked as fraudulent so even withdrawing from an ATM wouldn't work.

Banks aren't on a blockchain, they have protocols and agreements to be able to fix mistakes like this.

Best shot is immediately contacting the bank, highlighting the error and hope they're nice enough to leave a little bit as a finder's fee.

Yeah Merz seems reasonable geopolitically speaking, and seems willing to make the hard choices. I'm not terribly sad about Scholz losing to him, especially as another GroKo is most likely to happen.

[–] 82 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Trying to shift further right won't work. You can't do "what the other party does" because they already do it and they do it better.

Find original messaging, take back the narrative. Then you get to tell the story you're good at.

Trump does this exceptionally well. By spouting all kinds of shocking horseshit, the media doesn't stop talking about him. This lets him dominate the narrative. You could see them panic when Kamala was nominated, because suddenly the DNC controlled the narrative for a bit, and polling showed Kamala taking the lead. That advantage evaporated as Trump seized control of the front pages again.

This doesn't just happen in the US. Here in the Netherlands, the campaign was not initially but later on dominated by talk on migration from the PVV. Of course other parties tried to respond by talking about migration, which only helped to legitimise the PVVs talking points.

[–] 18 points 4 days ago (2 children)

There's a reason that the word "sinister" has negative connotations these days, despite it originating from the latin word for "left".

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (3 children)

It's not a fact.

Dog breeds are an incredibly poor predictor of behaviour. Behaviour is heritable to some degree, but the breed itself doesn't really determine it.

[–] 19 points 5 days ago

He initially didn't leave the country and was very hesitant to do so. But he found that he could be more persuasive in person, so in the interest of the nation he now does visit other countries.

Kilo is metric for 1000, not 1024. To remain consistent it was changed.

Teams is quite literally built on top of Skype.

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