I suspect 99% of lemmy women look just like this.
The hype is that she was previously an AG. She is known for being competent. We can debate his other picks but she stands on her own.
It should be tied to an economic area. A national or even state minimum wage is a dumb concept.
Should be a 40% tax if they can't prove they paid taxes on it.
I mean, most people are not true lefties. They just pretend because it's easy to get money from them. Look how quickly they all back tracked once they realized that isn't where the population or money was.
It is sad that a company would do that but that is how the world roles.
That is a very masculine-looking woman. I bet she doesn't get many dates.
I think they allowed them because they thought it was good for business
Rumor is spez is very conservative. No idea if that’s true but that’s the rumor.
They thought the left was the new money make and it turns out it was not.
Moderate is the money make as most people are moderate.
It’s my car. It’s not me. I swear
Federal funding is billions of dollars.