[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Typical neoliberal ideology. Fucks sake these people would strip smoke alarms from homes if they could cos 99.9% of the time they aren't needed.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Yeah yeah very funny, have a thought for us poor brits will you? I'm heartbroken over the devestating news.

Just learnt we don't get a fucking bank holiday out of it.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Ah fair point yeah.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Hey now, that's not fair. The US has produced some genuinely great music.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Gotham. Every single problem and every single villain is the direct result of capitalism. As a bonus the unintended meaning of the show is that capitalism's only response to this is brutal violence enacted either through the police or whatever that simply makes things even worse.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Ah cool. They can let em back in when the US coughs up the 44bn dollars it owes for conducting an illegal war, arming terrorists and mining civilian harbors in Nicaragua.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 2 points 2 years ago

I'm sure there are a few men pretending on there but I have come across women before who genuinely hold these kinds of views. They're super rare for sure but let's face it so are incels and there's enough of them to form various communities.

One thing I've noticed in both is they seem to have developed this really weird and toxic ideology that really does seem to have a lot of its roots in the increasing commodification of everything including relationships. I'm not saying it's the biggest cause or even a cause at all but a lot of the weirder shit seems to almost be an attempt to use something like I dunno a marketing algorythm or something.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Iol playing Stellaris at the moment and through sheer fleet power, espionage and diplomatic arm twisting I've forced the members of the galactic community to institute shared burdens or utopian abundance, outlaw slavery and tie their political power to the working class or suffer extreme punitive sanctions. The games are fun but the fanbase is not.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago

Yeah it is. I mean I know fuck all about Chinese naming customs etc. But if I were writing a story and wanted to include a chinese character I would do some basic research and not pick a name that sounds like a character from a deeply unfunny racist comedy show circa 1970

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 4 years ago

You had some good teachers by the sounds of it. Even if it doesn't tell the whole story it seems like at least an honest attempt to understand it.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 4 years ago

I was gonna type out a whole load of stuff but I think Death to America covers it at this point tbh.

[-] Circra@hexbear.net 1 points 4 years ago

While self defence ect. Is absolutely worth considering, you ideally don't want it to get to that stage.

From the sounds of it, your university is doing the standard beurocratic arse covering bullshit of hoping it'll all go away. That's because dealing with the problem is going to be a pain in the arse for them.

One thing, as well as the other suggestions here of course, to try is making yourself a bigger pain in the arse to them than dealing with the problem will be. Document and report everything. Keep on complaining until they are in the position where if (god forbid) the worst would happen there'd be massive a pile of reports about him and they would definately lose their jobs. Then they might step in.

Trust your instincts, don't let them make you feel stupid and document/report everything.

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