Kindle's are currently about 30% off on Amazon's websites. Seems to be every model in all colors and variations. The deals are for Prime members only, but you might be eligible to try Prime for free.

The deals are at least on amazon.com, amazon.co.uk and amazon.de.

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 15 points 1 year ago

As far as I know Lemmy stores only text locally and images and such will be linked to the external instance. Text doesn't use much disk space, so that shouldn't be a big a problem. Sometimes when you browse Lemmy, you notice posts that have broken links to images. It's because the other instance is down, but you can still see the text portion of the posts on your home instance.

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 22 points 1 year ago

There's also pornlemmy.com. You don't need to be logged in to view posts and there's no anime/hentai or aigen stuff.


There's a new firmware for Kindles from 7th gen Paperwhite to the newest Kindle basic. Newest firmware for Scribe is 5.16.2 (May 2023).

Release notes are very short and very generic:

Version – June 2023

Here's what's new:

Performance improvements, bug fixes, and other general enhancements.

Not listed in release notes, but there is now a button for annotations, that I don't think were there before.

Have you noticed any other changes or improvements?

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

Did you just ask that has Reddit ever given anything back to their volunteers, besides sticks, rocks and ill will?


A new beta of Mlem for Lemmy was released on 2023-07-02. Among many other improvements, it has greatly improved VoiceOver support. But there are also the following known issues:

  • Large posts will prevent scrolling by using left and right gestures with VoiceOver
  • Unable to navigate to a community from a post with VoiceOver

You can read all the details from their announcement post.

You can download the update from TestFlight. Remember that there are two separate TestFlight betas. The first ended when there was a change in the development team and won't be updated anymore. If you are in that beta, you need to join the new beta to get the new update.

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 53 points 1 year ago

r/Blind is still a valuable resource for many people. No sense denying people access to it. r/Blind mods already created a Lemmy instance which they try to promote for their members. But learning new software can be challenging when you can't see, especially if the software isn't very accessible.

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 70 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Someone needs to start a "campaign" for naming and shaming companies who advertises on Reddit. "[This company] supports a company that actively discriminates against the disabled. #SayNoToReddit"

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago

That list won't show which instances have block the home instance. The blocked list lists only the instances the home instance has blocked, not the other way around.

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

Isn't it so that if you play hardcore mode (your character dies permanently), and you disconnect for any reason, your character is considered dead? Online only requirement goes really well for that kind of game mode, where it might be the server that falls offline, and not your PC...

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago

Some communities have bots that copies posts from Reddit. Some do that so there would be more content in Lemmy. Those bots probably don't break any rules set by the Admins of those instances.

Personally I don't like that content is being copied without the permission of those who made the posts in Reddit. Also, in some cases it sort of defies the whole point of the community. For example, one of the Explain Like I'm Five communities has a bot like that. The bot includes a link to the original post. Why would anyone reply to the bot's post, when you can just read the explanation from the original post? That doesn't help make Lemmy more active place when a bot posts things and no human ever replies to them.

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

At the bottom of the page, it says something like "BE 0.17.4". BE means BackEnd, in this case that would be Lemmy.

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 26 points 1 year ago

I am sure they are breaking some made up rule the Admins will start enforcing in the next couple of days.

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 25 points 1 year ago

Some of the big things that happened in the past 24h or so:

  • r/LegalAdviceUK wants to move their 800k+ community to another platform. Their members might be testing Lemmy.
  • Apollo developer posted another lengthy post about Reddit and their leadership.

Also r/ModCoord has started recommending moderators to move their communities to other platforms, like Lemmy.

[-] ClassyHatter@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

That's the one line that jumped at my face as well when I read that interview. At least one other app developer said they'd have to pay about the same amount of money for Reddit. So all the third party apps would probably be something like 60 million+/year with those numbers.

Relay for Reddit is planning to go subscription only. They are currently planning 2-3 USD per month price point, based on their analysis of users using 100 API calls per day on average. But if the subscription fee drives away low-rate users, they will likely need to increase the price. https://www.reddit.com/r/RelayForReddit/comments/147152b/update_how_the_current_api_changes_would_impact/

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