Running Doom Emacs.

Plantuml works as expected when generating images, for instance:

:file *.png

The problem is, there is no ASCII generated in results: verbatim mode:

:results verbatim

What could go wrong?

The same problem observed here: https://discourse.doomemacs.org/t/problem-with-plantuml-src-block-results/3603

According to this article:


there seems to be no reason why this should not work.


How to make a delete the same number of chars that the adds? (MacOS)

For instance, in org-mode tab adds 4 spaces but backspace deletes only one single space.

For .rs, .py, etc files it does delete variable number of spaces depending on the context.


How to setup Doom Emacs to be able to delete a word using +?

Left Option does work out-of-the-box.

I also tried to achieve by setting

(global-set-key (kbd "") 'backward-kill-word)
(global-set-key (kbd "") 'backward-kill-word)

but it didn't help.


joined 11 months ago