[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 2 points 6 days ago

As a home owner, the cost of "what you'd have to pay to own the home" is extremely variable and to an extent down to dumb luck.

I think it's sufficient to say no individual should be able to rent out more than X number of homes where X is what that individual could reasonably take care of. I'm okay with corporate rentals, particularly in the case of complexes as well.

Basically, I don't think small business or individuals that live in the area that do rentals are the problem. If someone wants to rent out houses as their primary source of income ... sure why not.

It's like anything else though, there needs to be reasonable limits to stop gluttony. I think a limit of "you can have 1 rental property" is way too low though.

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 223 points 2 weeks ago

I would argue the top picture is also a big no no.

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 153 points 2 months ago

Click bait avoided, a prerelease build of Windows suggests some kind of general advertising in the start menu beyond promoting ads.

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 113 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

This is my take as an Akron resident:

  1. We have a new community controlled local police oversight board.

  2. The officer was called with the pretext that someone had been brandishing a firearm / pointing a gun at houses.

  3. You can't see very well what the officer could see because the view is obstructed. It's entirely possible that the kid complied but accidentally pointed the gun towards the officer.

  4. The officer shot exactly 1 time and shot in a non-lethal manner (the hand was shot). This was not a murder attempt, this was in a way the extra mile, the kid will hopefully make a full recovery.

  5. The fake gun is not an orange tipped fake, it's very similar to a real looking gun. The kid also was not with friends "playing pretend" or anything like that.

  6. As soon as the kid started yelling the officer immediately deescalated the situation and moved towards first aid.

  7. The officer does have a messy history, particularly when alcohol is involved and when off duty, but was entirely sober at the time of the shooting and has never been known to be drunk while on duty.

  8. We have had issues in the past few years locally particularly with teen violence. They've been trying to solve it, but some kids are carrying guns and robbing people, some kids have been carrying guns to protect themselves from the other kids, and evidently some kids are carrying fake guns too.

I'm glad this kid got to walk away with their life. I hope their hand isn't too messed up and I hope they don't have too much mental distress. They never should've walked around in public with a toy gun and "showed it off", and I hope they never do this again.

If the officer really did something wrong, I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it, but as it stands, I think the officer reacted reasonably.

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 79 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

There's some definitive "do it, you won't" energy here.

Which to be fair, it would look really bad for Boeing if this guy "committed suicide" too. To the point it might actually be safer to be the second guy.

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 86 points 3 months ago

Looks like he'd done a lot for various US companies on his LinkedIn.

I would not be surprised if he was previously legit but pressured into doing this by the CCP.

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 110 points 3 months ago

Python is memory safe? Can't you access/address memory with C bindings?

You can do that in basically any language. Rust even has the ability to break out of its safeguards and write unsafe Rust code.

"Memory safety" in this context is more about the defaults and how easy it is to write unsafe code accidentally.

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 94 points 5 months ago

This from the start has seemed to me like a prosecutor trying to make a name for themselves by taking down a famous person.

If you're doing a scene where you throw acid on somebody is the person throwing the acid supposed to check to make sure it's not actually acid before they throw it?

Should they check to make sure the knife they're about to stab someone with is actually a prop?

If you get to the person who's been told to "do this action convincingly" and you want them to double check all the safety work you're doing it wrong. Their job isn't making sure they've been given safe tools, it's using safe tools to make someone that's fake but convincing.

Everyone in the armoring company should be charged with murder ... but Alec Baldwin did not put live rounds into a gun. He went into work, did his job, and because other people screwed up someone got shot. Maybe the industry itself needs to change but that shouldn't be Alec Baldwin's problem. That's not justice.

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 97 points 6 months ago

We were always paying, the price just wasn't obvious

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 206 points 6 months ago

As much as that makes a great story... The groundwork for lemmy goes back years. It's true that lots of issues were addressed and client apps were ported after Reddit started going down hill, but a ton of work was done beforehand to make that all possible.

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 270 points 7 months ago

I think you've got Gen Z and Millennials backwards.

Introducing The Auto Post Bot (social.packetloss.gg)

Hi all,

In the interest of keeping this community up to date with the latest news regarding RuneScape, I've created @Auto_Post_Bot@social.packetloss.gg.

The Auto Post Bot will automatically post new information from the official RuneScape 3 RSS feed.

Thanks, and let me know if there's any feedback.


Sounds like hero pass really isn't going over well?

[-] Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg 133 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's not a broad generalization at all. It's a widespread pattern of hypocritical and contradictory conservative outrage, statements, and laws.

  • "I should be able to teach kids about the Bible in school, but you can't teach them about Yoga"
  • "we can't have vulgar language, oh unless it's from our religious book"
  • "I can't make a cake for you because you're gay and that's against my religion. What do you mean you won't make a Christian cake? That's religious discrimination!"
  • "Happy holidays!??! Happy holidays??! You monster, how dare you wage war on Christmas! We have religious liberty in this country! What do you mean that protects other religions? There's only one God and one religion!"
  • "It's totally fine that the polling places in large democratic areas have hours long waits so long as my polling places are quick and easy"
  • "it's totally fine that a county with 10,000 people has the same number of ballot drop boxes as a country with 3,000,000 people"
  • "marriage is between a man and woman ... and may include 17 divorces; they gays can't have it"
  • "we need to teach kids (i.e., indoctrinate them in the ways of) Jesus not this woke (black history, trans, etc)"
  • "let's let white kids off with a slap on the wrist while we throw a black kid in jail for smoking a plant"
  • "I can't believe a president could have such a scandal in the white house as to have had an affair with an assistant! We need to impeach! No, I don't think extorting an ally for information about an opponent is worthy of an impeachment! Trying to overthrow a legitimate presidental victor with a procedural trick? Nah that's not worth an impeachment either! Oh but hey, this Biden guy's son who lost one of his parents and a sibling in a car crash, that lost his brother to cancer, that has a drug problem, called his dad while he was in business meetings to show off... so you know his dad definitely was up to something! We've got to impeach him over that! What do you mean that was before he was even president and that's completely unprecedented?"
  • "We should totally lock her up for those emails! What do you mean the guy screaming that's son and law did the exact same thing?"
  • "We're sorry we can't appoint a supreme court justice just before the election! Psych! We totally can if it's nominated by OUR president!"
  • "We need law and order in this country! What do you mean Trump broke the law? Nah, I'm not hearing it; this is clearly a partisan witch hunt and the majority conservative staff of the FBI is out to get conservatives! Oh but we'll DEFINITELY weaponize the federal government and go after our political rivals full steam if we get the presidency in 2024"
  • "I believe abortion is amoral, that's why I hid the fact that my ex/current lovers have had one"
  • "I believe homosexuality is amoral, that's why I am one in the closet"
  • "we're going to be the party of health care, but don't watch as we strip you of your federal protections for your health care"
  • "we're the party of the little man, but don't watch as we cut taxes for the rich (and you but make sure that expires under the next term (probably while the Democrats are in power)"
  • "the national debt is an outage! Oh let's spend as much as Obama did in half the time! Oh Biden is in power again, spending is out of control!"
  • "the problem isn't guns it's mental health, but we're not going to do anything about that either! Must be because the kids aren't in church, the gays, video games, or hey look over there, a squirrel!"
  • "climate change? Nah. It's not real. Okay maybe it is, but it doesn't matter because look at China! Oh we could make a dent and get the ball rolling? Well, it's too late anyways, we should've been building nuclear plants! What do you mean I just made that up? Clearly I've been trying to solve this via nuclear the whole time, and it's not another dog whistle! Oh and btw all of my top presidential candidates say they don't believe in man made climate change! But yeah, totally serious about this issue!!"

... and that's just off the top of my head. If you're a conservative, wake up, your party is a mess.

Thoughts on Necromancy? (social.packetloss.gg)

I've been (probably like most players) playing around with Necromancy the past few days. I'm finding necromancy to be one of the more interesting skills Jagex has released. I think like archeology before it, it has a lot of different components to the skill that helps keep it fresh, vs just lighting fires. It also seems to have a lot of tie ins with other skills and under utilized items (e.g. ashes) which seems nice (and perhaps a bit OSRS inspired).

What are you thoughts? Are you loving it? Hating it? Somewhere in between?

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