[-] Dee@lemmy.world 31 points 7 months ago

Jokes on her, I'm never going to be able to retire in our current system anyway!

Check mate 😏

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 50 points 7 months ago

Enterprise IT infrastructure admin here, I've imaged thousands of windows laptops over a decade and dealt with Edge since it was implemented, never seen anything like this. I'm sure you're confident in your abilities but you messed something up real bad or have malware of some kind. No question about it, this is not typical for any version of Edge.

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 50 points 8 months ago

I might be interested in reading the rest of that review if it's available to read online. That's a great opener lol

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 30 points 9 months ago

Because 5e has no mechanical incentive to keep familiars alive I made it a running joke to repeatedly kill my familiar with my AOE spells. It dies every combat session and normally to my own fireballs or lightning bolts. My familiar hates my wizard but is contractually obligated (magically bound) to obey my orders. When it glares at me I'll yell "you don't have a union!" made the GM laugh and the Ranger gasp the first time lol

But I think the GM is making a familiar union will my owl familiar as the founder.

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 30 points 9 months ago

That's exactly what a ghost on the Internet would say.

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 38 points 11 months ago

I was going to say, I'm pro-bikini but used to live in Texas and wore longer sleeves to keep the sun off my skin because it kept me cooler doing that than if I wore a short sleeve shirt.

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 51 points 11 months ago

Trump isn’t a fascist.

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 41 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

~~Can you see my reply? I'm on lemmy.world and I thought it was still defederated from Beehaw so I shouldn't be able to see your comment O_o~~ (I'm used to being more active on my beehaw account so using my lemmy.world account threw me off, disregard this lol)

P.S. Yay trans rights and having a pro-trans meme space 😄

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 30 points 1 year ago

Who's ganging up on you? If anything you're the one ganging up by trying to flame the person in the screenshot for answering what their sexual preference is when someone asked them.

There was nothing that was "blatantly transphobic" other than the Karen comment that rightfully had several rebuttals shutting it down.

I don't stick with people just because of characteristics we share. They have to be a good person for me to want to support and be with them. You are not that, so I will not defend you just because we're both trans. Trans people can suck too, as you've shown.

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 41 points 1 year ago

The person in the screenshot was being asked if they'd date a trans man, they gave that response. Which is to say yes, but that they have a sexual preference for femininity which would make it difficult as most trans men are dysphoric about their feminity especially pre-op. He said it in not the best word choice but the sentiment is not transphobic. Big "he a little confused but he got the spirit" energy.

OP is going to tell you a bunch of other shit. Looks like the post might've been removed but what they're saying was happening in those comments did not happen. They just seem to be a very, very angry person.

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 46 points 1 year ago

I had the first comment in that post, I saw every comment thereafter. You're making shit up about what happened in those comments. Or I guess that's just how your warped view of reality interpreted it. Yikes.

I used to be like you, angry at the world and blaming everyone but myself. I hope you come to terms with your anger and learn to process that instead of lashing out at others like you're doing. Meditation helped me, best of luck.

[-] Dee@lemmy.world 38 points 1 year ago

A lot of them are taking a "let's give them a chance" stance which is fucked because we have over a decade of social media history as to why they've already spent that chance and cannot be trusted. There's also the fact of Meta meeting with Mastodon instance admins and having them sign NDAs if they agree to talk.

I won't be on an instance that federates with them, personally.

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