
joined 1 year ago
[–] Draconic_NEO 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

What the fuck? Why? Why block Blahaj of all instances? That really doesn't inspire confidence in this server or SDF. I can understand blocking instances like lemmygrad or hexbear, but blahaj? Seriously? Why?

I'm glad they reversed it, but why was it done in the first place?

@SDF@lemmy.sdf.org Can you please explain? I really want to know the reasoning behind such a decision to block specifically lemmy.blahaj.zone, was it a bug with something automated? Something prompted by suspicious behavior from them? Please explain.

If you don't want to explain publicly you may shoot me a message at matrix or to my SDF email. I just want to know.

[–] Draconic_NEO 4 points 1 week ago

We is members of SDF, and I don't really believe that. But even if it were true. If their only merit to creating this instance is to have it be public facing without any of the anti-spam benefits of being SDF-Member only, then it probably isn't worth it. After all their public Mastodon server mastodon.sdf.org has many upkeep issues and they don't seem to care much about it. Social.sdf.org is well taken care of, because it's made specifically for SDF members. This instance should be given the same amount of care and attention that social.sdf.org is but the only way that's worth it is if they can be sure most people there are validated and trusted members.

[–] Draconic_NEO 7 points 2 weeks ago

It's very easy, you just register on the website and login to the TTY using your preferred SSH shell. Can be Termux, can be Putty, can be a Web SSH, doesn't really matter. It does require Shell access though.

To be Validated you need to Send at least $1 or €5 to SDF with your shell username written on the envelope or included in the transaction in some way. So yeah there is a membership fee but it's very cheap.

[–] Draconic_NEO 3 points 2 weeks ago

I'm surprised that more of their services aren't like that. I mean they should be, but for some reason they aren't.

[–] Draconic_NEO 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I've known that SDF's mods are way more active on social.sdf.org, I mean they literally kept that instance operational in a Blackout when all the other services didn't have power. That's some dedication right there.

Though I don't necessarily have the same level of confidence for this instance that I do for social.sdf.org. Since there has been significantly less admin intervention here than there. Actually it's hard to even get maintenance done on the Lemmy server. There have been outages and borked/bugged updates in the past and it takes days to correct it here. I wasn't really sure that they'd even update to 0.19.8. I mean better late than never, it doesn't really inspire confidence though.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Draconic_NEO to c/sdfpubnix

Either we need to require members to use SDF emails to sign up or manage their Lemmy account login from the Maint console. Either way we need to limit it to Members of SDF who validated their accounts or shit like what's been happening will continue to happen.

I know that it would make this place less open for people but I think this would go a long way towards making the community more secure against these kinds of attacks.

One possible compromise would be that if we wanted a more open Lemmy instance, to create another one without Member restrictions on a different SDF domain i.e. freeshell.org. Though personally I'm not a fan of that idea at all since unmanned instances tend to gather spam or become derelict. It's much better to just have member-only instances and to encourage people to become SDF members with the $1 or €5 charge for validation.

[–] Draconic_NEO 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I hope this community doesn't turn out like theDonald. I hope @SDF@lemmy.sdf.org does the right thing and helps keep out assholes like the ones who spammed here recently.

[–] Draconic_NEO 4 points 2 weeks ago

If they make the Instance SDF memeber-only that doesn't prevent people from joining or make it that less public. Anyone can become an SDF member, $1 or €5 to join is very reasonable and likely something anyone can afford if they want to, it's an inconvenience enough to deter spammers and assholes though.

[–] Draconic_NEO 2 points 2 weeks ago

I think it very likely was, similar to how mastodon.sdf.org was largely an afterthought. I say that because that server has had many maintenance issues in the past and I've seen people complaining about it while nothing gets done. Part of the reason I joined social.sdf.org instead.

Hell they managed to keep social.sdf.org up even when there was a power outage. They clearly care about that one a lot. Not Lemmy or the general Mastodon one though. These are just an afterthought because someone at SDF thought it would be really cool to get into the Fediverse.

[–] Draconic_NEO 3 points 2 weeks ago

It'll also help with trolls for the same reason. It requires a level of dedication to join that most people won't have.

[–] Draconic_NEO 17 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

One idea I had would be that they could require accounts to have SDF emails, that would basically require people to have Validated TTY accounts, I believe social.sdf.org does this. They could also accomplish the same thing by closing registration completely and having it be solely managed via the Maint command in the TTY shell.

[–] Draconic_NEO 17 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I agree, they should freeze registration until they can get more people to volunteer to manage it, that is updates, maintenance, and especially moderation. I've never done maintenance or updates on a Lemmy server and I wouldn't trust myself with something so dangerous, but I have done moderation and I would be happy to volunteer to help out in any way I could.

Another thing that could help is to make the instance SDF member only, by requiring the use of SDF email, or having your account be managed by the maint command in the Shell login.

[–] Draconic_NEO 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (7 children)

I agree, this is stupid. Why should we settle for a server where the admin won't even apply updates on time or fix bugs in a timely manner. Let alone moderate their instance properly.

I barely even use this instance and I'm really only here for !sdfmc@lemmy.sdf.org, I couldn't imagine how much it would suck if this was my only account or only instance to access Lemmy from.

Edit: Glad to see they've been banned. Though it honestly doesn't really change much in my opinion if something doesn't seriously change when it comes to the instance management.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Draconic_NEO to c/test@sh.itjust.works

Test post with malformed image to illustrate that non-image files being rendered as images on Lemmy is not the end of the world. Github thread on the relevant subject

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Draconic_NEO to c/sdfmc

Recently I decided to build a Stable near my base, I wasn't really planning on doing it but I recently found and tamed a donkey so I felt like I probably needed one.

While thinking of what blocks I should use I decided to try out using the new Mud Bricks for the bottom floor which I think turned out very nice, and also gave me an excuse to use the wheat I'd been hoarding up to now.

The entrance, I added my banners on the sides and a Sign up top, unfortunately hanging signs are shorter than the regular ones so my name woundn't fit there in full.

On the first floor I obviously have the stables where I can put my horses, donkeys, or mules (If I get one of those). Nothing too fancy, I might add cauldrons and bales of hay later but for now there's not much here. Up the ladder is the second floor.

On the second floor is the hay loft, this area is mostly decorative but I may use the wheat stored up here in the form of hay bales in future projects. I also have a bed up here for setting my spawn and :home location here if needed. I also have a few barrels up here for decoration but also to act as storage for miscellaneous items.

The back side of the building.

On the top of the barn I decided to put a rooftop terrace because the roof was very flat and I thought it would be cool to add up there and I thought it would look better than just having an area slabbed with dark oak.


I recently noticed my app (liftoff) stopped working and also glitchy behavior from the site after the sudden upgrade to 0.19, is there any explanation or reason for the sudden upgrade, especially considering that 0.19 isn't exactly production ready (no official release from the devs).


Recently I decided to make a pathway to my base since the entrance is on top of the roofed forest and it can sometimes be a bit difficult to get up on it.

Another reason is because the canopy has many holes in it naturally and it's easy to fall through and end up in the foresr, which can be inconvenient because the entrance is up top and there is no access from the bottom. I also added birch leaves and shroomlight lanterns to mark the path since it can be easy to get lost or turned around up there.

By the way I used a Freecam mod to get these shots, if you're interested in checking out this mod you can find it here on Curseforge.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Draconic_NEO to c/sdfmc

Since my previous enchanting room was rather small I recently decided to make a brand new and bigger enchanting room. I'm using a style here which I haven't used in a long time which uses hardened clay... or I guess it's now called terracotta and logs, typically spruce and dark oak as they go well with the clay.

On each side of the room from the left to the right I have an anvil and a grindstone respectively, anvil for adding enchantments together and the grindstone for removing them.

The Enchanting table and its bookshelves are inset in the floor which isn't my original idea, it was inspired by a creator known as Dataless822 who I learned much of my Minecraft knowledge from.

I placed chiseled bookshelves on top to hold written books and book and quills, possibly also enchanted books. Most books though will be stored in the double chest in the middle, it's placed on its side so it takes up less space.

Also I did use gold blocks on the ceiling for decoration, I have so many from the gold farm so I thought I'd try decorating with them, and I think it turned out very nice.

Also here's the room from a different angle.

I have a decorative armor stand with my player head displayed on it along with some dyed leather armor and in the right corner I have one of my cats (since the picture has been taken I have aquired another cat and placed it in the other corner).

Here's what the old area where my enchanting station was now that I moved it. I think it looks pretty nice but admitedly I will likely never use these smokers as I have a fire aspect sword with mending on it to cook my food, I did fit the ender chest there though since I use that quite regularly (I have a lot of junk in my ender chest I have to clean out).

Here is what the room looks like from the outside, on the right side is the door leading to my portal room which I've shown in a previous post, and to the left upstairs is my crafting area. Behind me not visible in the picture is a hallway to my other indoor farms which I might show off in a future post when they're all finished.


This is the area that had the destroyed house in it (see my previous post for context), which goolse, mcornick, and I cleaned up and terraformed. The area was named Dirtwall after the dirt walls that were built around the area and a small memorial was built next to the road. The house was collectively deemed unsalvageable and due to the fact it had been like that for years we decided the best course of action would be to take down the house and clean up the land. We put the materials from the house and said person's chests in chests on the sidewalk in case they come back and want them. The entire area has been flattened

The original farm as well as the stone building behind it (not shown in the picture) were preserved as they revived very little damage from the initial attacks. two of the nearby ponds have been decorated and made into zen gardens.

Also another road leading north has been built along with a bridge named the Dirtwall Memorial bridge. As well as a fountain with an underground shuttle stop. There is also an elevated rail station to the east down the road (it's accessed within the tunnel).


This is something I started a while ago but only recently Completed. A Nether tunnel sometimes also called a nether hub is a way to make traveling around the nether easier and safer. It does this by eliminating Mob Spawning by having flooring made of slabs or transparent blocks which mobs can't spawn on, and by being enclosed inside of ghast resistant materials (any block with a blast resistance 3.5 or higher). It also helps prevent getting lost in the nether by being an enclosed structure.

The entrance to the Nether: In my base my portal is underground along with various other rooms like my crafting area and brewing station. I put the portal in a small room behind a piston door to keep Zombie Pigmen from wandering about my base and also to act as a mini Foyer for those who come to visit, as seen in its second picture I have my banners set up next to the door.

Portal Room on the nether Side: This is the main room of my hub, it has some iron bar windows looking out at the nether expanse from inside, from which you can also see the silhouette of the Nether fortress in the distance. The portal has my banners on each side, marking it as the portal to my base or an area built by me. The design of this nether tunnel is actually based off a design from a YouTuber I used to watch in the past named Dataless822, though his design originally used nether brick and a custom texture pack (Datacraft64x) that made it look red, mine uses Red nether brick so it is compatible (looks good) with the majority of texture packs, including the default one and Faithful (which is what I'm using here).

The main tunnel: This is a section of the main tunnel. The part with the banners leads to my portal room shown previously and the long hallway to the right leads to the Nether fortress. The entirety of the hallway is slabbed on the floor and ceiling to prevent mobs from spawning and give the room the feeling of having a regular un-slabbed floor.

The Exterior: This is the outside of the nether Tunnel in the spawn area of the nether, on the right you can see the large metal cage which extends out from the main spawn hub. I also slabbed this area around the entrance, the reason there is a section of nether brick slab as opposed the red nether brick slabs is because that was a pathway up top to access the fortress, though it's now redundant on the count of having the tunnel going there. I should note that I'm not the one who originally started slabbing the nether, that was done by someone else long before I joined the server, my work is just a continuation of it.


I'm not sure if this is old news but I recently noticed this house which looks to have been griefed or destroyed by someone. Does anyone know what happened here and whether or not I should be worried about it happening to my base or builds as well?


It's very simple, I have a spot to get water on the left, a garbage disposal on the right, and some chests towards the front to store things in. Everything else is just decorative. On the Shelves Starting on the left I have a Potted Bamboo, then 3 candles (uncolored). Between the two shelves there are two lanterns hanging from the ceiling, on the next shelf there are 3 candles and finally a cherry blossom Bonsai (sapling in a planter). I used Polished Diorite to make the countertop and hid glowstone underneath it (also under the carpet).

Here's a View from the other direction:

I saw the Lapis blocks idea in someone else's build a while back (like back in classic minecraft 1.7.10 and thought it looked cool so I also did it here. I might swap them out for fish tanks later.

I put two decorative pots (also put glowstone under them) on either side next to the chests and put flower pots on top of them, not sure what I'll put in them but for now I have a wither rose in one of them (the one on the right in the picture).


I recently Finished building the Crafting area in my base which houses some Miscellaneous storage, the Crafting Tables, Some Regular and smelting Furnaces, item incinerator (what the Lava is for), and an enchanting station. I also created my own banner design which you can see in this picture.

Here are some Screenshots at different Angles showing off the room:

Viewed from the South side

Viewed from the north Side

submitted 1 year ago by Draconic_NEO to c/sdfmc

I've decided to do something rather unique as far as home bases go in Minecraft and have decided to build it in a roofed forest, using the tree roof and the trunks as the main structure.

The area you see going down is to my crafting area, forge, storage area, as well as a variety of indoor farms but it's still very WIP. Interestingly the only entrances will be up on the roof (I plan to build a portion on the top like a regular house but with leaves) and through the Nether portal, which will go in the underground portion but currently isn't built yet.

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