As if Putin didn't already give us enough reasons to hate him.

He really is determined to follow in all of Hitler's footsteps, huh. Well, hopefully he'll follow Hitler right to the same ending.

[-] 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What the hell is going on in Europe that's causing this recent surge in the far right? Seriously, fist Italy, then Spain, now Germany of all places.

[-] 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, and in today's America right wing conservatism is almost entirely concentrated in the GOP. Not really sure what the history of the party flip (which happened ~~over half a century~~ the better part of a century ago) has to do with anything in the screenshot?

EDIT: Thanks u/fkn for the correction!

[-] 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yep, the Republican base has proven they'll vote for literally anyone with an (R) next to their name no matter how many felonies they commit. And because they're fanatics, they turn out to vote every time, no matter what.

The only way we get out of this nightmare is to hold the line, keep voting every cycle to keep the mainiacs out of power until the party inevitably implodes due to demographic shifts. Hopefully it'll happen soon, worrying about this shit is exhausting. But until then, we can't afford to be complacent.

[-] 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Coup attempt participant who stormed Capitol while on bail on an attempted murder charge gets 3 years

Fixed your headline, NBC!

Always a good time to remind people the OG version of the laptop conspiracy in 2019 was as much about dragging Ukraine through the mud as well as the Bidens! And I'd be willing to bet anything it was to turn Republican opinion against Ukraine, so the base wouldn't be upset when dear leader turned a blind eye to Putin invading them in his second term.

[-] 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Can we not do the whole "women are objects to be ranked based on physical appearance only and fought over as prizes" thing, please? That prom queen has agency of her own-- who's to say she's even into the "winner", let alone that their personalities are in any way compatible? Maybe (assuming she's interested in men and looking for a relationship) she'd rather be with a guy who isn't hypercompetitive, who's more laid back and easygoing?

Which brings me to the other problem with your metaphor: what's "winning"? Someone could be doing well by society's metrics and be miserable, because their current lifestyle isn't the right fit for them. Someone else could be a total failure by society's metrics, but perfectly content with their life the way it is. Who's the real winner there? (Spoiler alert: it's the second person).

[-] 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Germany is building coal plants, pretty much the rest of Europe is transitioning away from fossil fuels at a breakneck pace.

(And to be fair, Germany's also investing heavily in clean energy and has made huge progress on that front. They just made the incredibly stupid decision to shut down their remaining nuclear plants before they had enough clean energy sources to make up for the power difference, which is why they're temporarily using coal as a stopgap.)

The US passed the largest climate bill in human history last fall, Europe is now getting a plurality of its energy from carbon-free sources (and growing rapidly), and China's continuing to make progress too. And the reason that's all happening is because of all the people who care, who've been pushing for change this past decade.

It's not enough, but it's a huge step in the right direction-- and it's proof we can accomplish even more if we keep standing together.

Nah, Dorsey's always been a "libertarian" (read: Republican who wants to smoke weed) POS since he was a broke nobody. All that's changed is, if his stupid Blusky thing takes off, he'll have the power to make his idiocy our problem.

There was like one poll that showed him with 20% of Democrats saying they'd vote for him in 2024-- back when the only thing people knew about him was a his name, before it became well known how insane (and how obviously a far-right plant) he was. Oh, and even then that poll was an outlier, most polls before the hype began showed him with less than 10% support-- well below the crazification factor.

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