What should the media have done? Ignore it? Just assume they were dead, even though the USCG and Navy didn't make that assumption?
I used to listen to it, but they were confidently wrong often enough that I couldn't take it anymore. I haven't found a good android podcast since. Android police is good occasionally I guess.
Fentanyl is certainly scary, but law enforcement folks really exaggerate the risk of incidental exposure. They're so scared of it, they imagine the symptoms of intoxication. The DEA has guidance for first responders -
Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders - DEA.gov https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/Publications/Final%20STANDARD%20size%20of%20Fentanyl%20Safety%20Recommendations%20for%20First%20Respond....pdf
I hate to say I'll miss r/bjj. Not the shitposts though.
I'm pretty sure you don't have to be neurodivergent to experience that
Purple belt from Portland here!
Is it better than jerboa?