[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 7 points 4 hours ago

And later went to the dentist at 2:30

[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 3 points 13 hours ago

Not wanting to get in an argument about 9/11 either, but I can tell you a couple of differences between bank ledgers and blockchains. Blockchains are distributed across many machines and all are synchronised. I had the Bitcoin blockchain on my computer for a while, until I realised how much space it was taking. Anyone can view the contents of the entire blockchain, ask the bank to view all their ledgers and you'll see the difference. Blockchain means an end to most money laundering and corruption. All coins can be traced.

The software behind Bitcoin is open source, so no backdoors can be put in there (at least not without it being noticed, probably), many wallets are also open source. Things like mtgox happened because people weren't using wallets to keep their own coins in, and left it for someone else to look after.

The Euro is a great thing for most people. Greece has financial problems that need long term solutions. If they had the drachma, they would just print more, and devalue the currency, which would make all imports more expensive and prices go up. The Euro prevents this and they have to find another solution. That's more the problem with fiat, that governments will use an easy solution, that hurts people. A currency which is not controlled by the government prevents this and can lead to better solutions that don't make life difficult for most people.

This is just what I know, some facts may be wrong, let's talk.

[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 3 points 16 hours ago

My favorite Terminator.

[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago

Nine months after St.Patricks day, there's a blip on December 12. Interesting....

[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 28 points 2 days ago

I think some of the numbers are skewed because of induced births. Hospitals won't schedule an induced birth on Christmas day, if they can help it.

[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 52 points 1 month ago

G'day, you mob of surfacers! Crikey, you lot look like you've been chucked in the deep end down here in the Underdark. What're ya doin' in our neck of the woods? You lot lost or just got kangaroos loose in the top paddock?

Fair dinkum, you better not be here to cause any strife. Us Drow don't take kindly to strangers pokin' 'round our turf. Ya reckon you can handle yourselves in a blue, or are ya just a bunch of drongos lookin' for trouble?

Anyway, if you're keen on stickin' around, you better pull ya heads in and show some respect, or you'll cark it quicker than a stubby on a hot day. Welcome to the Underdark, mates. Watch yer step, and keep yer eyes peeled. We ain't got time for any flamin' galahs muckin' about!

[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 117 points 2 months ago

It's not consent if there are fifty pages of legalese to read before you press accept.

[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 41 points 2 months ago

I got banned on Facebook for saying "fatty acids" because "fatty" is a bad word.

[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 55 points 2 months ago

RAM is no longer relevant. QSG (Quantum Stacked Gates) is used for both RAM and file storage, being both near infinite (exabytes per gram) and near lightspeed to access. The NVIDIA QWVA (Quantum Wormhole Visual Actuliser) handles the rendering of Virtual Space to my GE neural lace (Perfected by GE after Musk's bankruptcy). The "CPU" is a DQERISC (Decentralized Quantum Entangled RISC) array boasting 64k threads at the equivalent of 8.4PHz.

Only been used off world though, everyone on Earth just uses the Mesh, much faster.

Running Arch with Linux kernel 69.420.9.99.999.999.9999.9999.372 (Linus said "Nice" when it got to 69.420, and died soon after so now it will always keep the same version number) btw.

Hi there (lemm.ee)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee to c/tibetanterriers@lemm.ee
[-] Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 40 points 11 months ago

If Hungary's values are so different, perhaps they should leave the EU.

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