[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 21 points 6 months ago

Women didn't exist back in those days /s (last time i omitted the /s on a joke didn't go very well lmao)

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 23 points 6 months ago

Yeah, it's just billionaire funding, not gumption.

Left is king of grassroots movements that go nowhere because they can't get funded while the right has daddy koch and murdock making it rain all the way down to altright and neonazi youtubers.

But call me a hippie conspiracy theorist and move on with your day, because you're obviously not too bright.

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 18 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

There's an old proverb I like about this: a person is smart but people are dumb.

People en masse tend to be dumber than they are apart. I think you're comparing yourself to the faceless masses. It's much more humbling to try comparing yourself to someone you respect (but don't do it as a "I'm not as good as them" thing, only do it as a "goals to maybe achieve one day" thing to avoid accidentally trashing your self esteem)

Side note: old proverb here means I think my dad said it once but I have no idea where it actually came from

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 21 points 7 months ago

I got a reason! It's because people are afraid meta is doing what Microsoft did to a much earlier project. The crux of that whole story is that Microsoft adopted the new tech, became the biggest player thus dominating the area, then, when they had full control of the tech they ended up shutting it down. Some people are convinced meta is going to do that to the fediverse.

This is vague and handwavy, I'm hoping someone actually knows the name of the project. It was early 90s I believe or maybe into the early 00s but it was before my time in the tech sphere of the internet.

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 18 points 7 months ago

That blue color on the map? Believe it or not, liquid meth

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 18 points 7 months ago

With who's army fighting though? Guyana seems a bit too small to properly be able to defend itself from Venezuela... Unless Brazil goes full on South America police on the situation (and apparently, they might?), I don't see how this will end in anything other than Venezuela steam rolling Guyana...

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 20 points 7 months ago

Does anyone really go to jail for wage theft though? Especially at the same severity that walking out with $100 till bucks would?

From my perspective, it seems like the boss gets a slap on the wrist the first time, while the worker gets fired and carted off to jail the first time.

I think that's the point of this meme, but there are some nuances involved (aka why does the law treat these people differently? I think there may be a reason having to do with intent here, but that is discussion outside of the scope of what this meme is getting at.)

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 25 points 7 months ago

Too bad their doctrine is to take everyone else with them, instead of being as courteous as the cults that self annihilate and leave the non-followers alone.

Seriously, their own book says man was charged with taking care of the world. By their own doctrine, God is the one that will end it, not man. But they're all either power hungry greed lords trying to take Gods destiny into their own hands or idiots who don't know what's in the book they thump so hard.

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 20 points 8 months ago

And we should loudly continue to compare them to those with those histories due to similarity of behavior until they change their behavior so that they will never have the chance to quietly add a similar history to their own books.

If we don't want a "gulags of Florida" chapter written in history, it's appropriate to call the behavior that would lead to one out

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 18 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Best to not switch away from the default (row) unless you really know what you're doing. Here's the guide I always consulted for flexbox direction help. I just consulted it until I got the feel for it. I could guess at what you're doing but I think this resource will be better than me hemming and hawing over what you're trying to do: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/

So some tips:

  1. column flips what the actual keywords of flex do (justify-content starts to act like align-items and visa versa).
  2. it's easier to develop for small screens and then expand up to large screens. This is because you already know what you'll have to expand from and you won't have to squish anything down. (I'm not saying you should restart your project though, this is a future tip only. Only restart if everything is truly fubar.)
[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago

...then they aught to ban every app with user generated content. YouTube might be the biggest propaganda vector we have right now, and the powers that be would not be able to tell which nation is pumping out anti-us videos due to it being so easy to lie about stuff like that.

That's quite a bad response if that's really the reason. If they're worried about propaganda, the best defense against it is education on what is propaganda, and how to spot it, not banning a single vector of it when so many others exist already.

This only supports my theory that this is red-scare nonsense (though please let me know if I misunderstood, I really do want to understand)

[-] FlickOfTheBean@lemmy.world 26 points 11 months ago

I was about to argue the term mediocre to describe the ice cream, but then I realized, the flavor that I loved was the fact that it either meant school was almost out or it was currently summertime more than anything else

the best flavor is always nostalgia of good times

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