vimeo banned cytube and it also doesn't support tankietube - it's only an option for youtube, whatever other specific sites they allow, and maybe some file hosting site. additionally the last time we used cytube the room we used was
it took me like an hour to remember that federation is even a thing and that i could check lemmygrad
this is unfortunate
does anyone understand how this works, would the domain be instantly put up for auction after one missed payment or something?
is it going to be stuck in limbo for at least a week?
8 pm est
Something is going on with the domain name for hexbear and its cytube instance, if it isn't resolved by tonight we can try watching Yuki/something else somewhere if users want - we have a matrix room setup where we can talk about it: if you're interested you can message me or Wombat your matrix username and we can invite you.
~20 mins
7-8 pm est
~10 mins ty for sticky admin
I remember encountering gemini a long while back and downloaded a client or something for it. I wanted to get into it but didn't really know how, I wasn't even aware of the web ring sites.
8 pm est
yes, a long term user had a playlist of movies on youtube that we watched one of the last times hexbear's cytube instance was down. i believe the google drive script is very inconsistent at best and might even be outright broken, going off memory from looking into it a long while ago.
regardless, i think we have a few workarounds if everyone wants to do that. if not, we can just skip tonight or watch whatever - a user did plan on queuing something from youtube anyway.