Thanks, I was looking at RttM for next time maybe. It looked a little "big". Glad it is working for you!
Yes, that is a good one! As you say, there are a few versions out there. I am using Stay At The System Page NG, which should work on most versions of Skyrim. And it is compatible with the DD mod mentioned elsewhere in this thread.
worried about the first one
I have not personally experienced issues with it. I have now had it a while and I have a huge load order. You can test it and uninstall if you suspect issues. There is an .ini file for configs. Looking at the comments, the MA has intensions to keep working on it.
SkyUI SE - Flashing Savegames Fix is a fantastic mod. Instead of using it, I instead use Dear Diary Dark Mode - SkyUI Menus Replacer SE. It contains the same functionality, gives a modern UI, and replaces many other mods. I almost included it in my list above, but it is already very popular.