[-] Hillock@kbin.social 74 points 8 months ago

A lot of people seem to mistake carjacking for car theft. Especially mentioning that the person who shot the 13 year old was a security officer gives a wrong impression on what happened.

Carjacking is when the robber(s) take control of a car with a person inside the car. This is what happened here, with the security guard being inside the car. Under these circumstances it's perfectly reasonable to consider shooting the robbers and it's unreasonable to expect the security guard being able to identify the robber as a 13-year old harmless child. There is significant plausible risk to the person inside the car to warrent lethal force during self-defense.

Car theft is stealing an empty car. Shooting someone would be entirely unreasonable during a car theft.

The article doesn't mention wether the car had window tint and the two kids where unaware of the person inside or if they intentionally tried to rob the person. That information might change what can be considered reasonable response.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 47 points 8 months ago

Bush was the worse president, Trump is the worse person.

I can see a lot of potential presidents in 2001 act the same way as Bush did, especially any other Republican. Even Gore would have gone to war in Afghanistan. Unless of course we go down the rabbit hole of could he have prevented the 9/11 attacks. The Iraq war probably would have been avoided under Gore.

But I don't see any other president doing the same damages that Trump did. While the current status of the Republican Party has many people just as bad as Trump, I don't think they would have the same traction today without Trump.

And let's not forget the worst of Trump was prevented. If his coup would have succeeded, he would even be the worse president.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 61 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It's ridiculous how the crime of using the VPN is just a 200 yuan fine. But the income is considered illegal because of it and they can just seize his entire salary earned, which amounted to just over 1 million yuan.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 44 points 9 months ago

Considering how many people live near the coast it would still be a huge step forward. Right now even for most coastal cities desalination isn't cost effective and they have to import water from inland.

And by not having to deliver as much water from inland to the coast that water can be distributed more for people living inland.

Yes, it's not going to make inhospitable areas liveable but it's not just "cool".

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 51 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

For anyone who doesn't read the article but gets upset at the title because climate friendly meat actually exist. It's about a new label for meat that says "Environmental Friendly". Similar to the certificate for "Organic" or "GMO-FREE".

And the certificate is bullshit. Even in it's strictest form you only need a 10% reduction in CO2 production to the industry standard to qualify. Which is nothing.

But it gets worse, the rating is done by third party companies who have leeway in setting the industry standard. One company even has the industry standard set higher than the actual industry average.

So overall the certificate is bullshit that makes people feel better but doesn't actually do anything.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 66 points 10 months ago

The big clubs are all an organized crime syndicate. How bad the situation will be mostly depend on your exact location. Especially with the Hell's Angels the involvement in organized crime depends a lot on the exact charter. Some just do illegal gambling, some light narcotics and gun trades while others are also involved in human trafficking and forced prostitution.

In most of the western world organized crime usually stays away from regular citizens. That's why many people here say if you don't approach them they will leave you be. But crime always affects regular people. And there is basically nothing you can do. It's just up to luck whether you specifically get affected or not.

When the Hell's Angels started to move into Europe most politicians just ignored it. But a war between locals clubs, the Hell's Angles and then the Banditos (who also moved into Europe) broke out almost immediately. Some people even got killed. But politicians only stepped in when a civilian got killed or severely injured because some gang member shot a rocket into a rivaling gang's bar. Then shit moved back into the shadows.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 53 points 10 months ago

For anyone who doesn't want to read the article. The children are people who's age has been disputed and the Home Office (Border Control) has declared them adults.

An organization working with age-disputed people says they identified 14 children that have been sent to an adult prison. The youngest is believed to be 14 years old. In total there are well over 1000 age disputed people.

Doesn't make the situation much better but explains how it happened. Also important, sometimes the only crime committed was seeking asylum. And officially sex offenders (and similar criminals) aren't supposed to be at that facility anymore. But they still are.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 44 points 11 months ago

Gaming laptops aren't a scam, they fill a niche. For people like me they are the best option available. I travel frequently and then stay there for usually a few months before having to travel again. So a desktop doesn't work for me at all. I need a decent computer for work. Most business laptop that fill my needs are also on the heavier side. The ones that are portable usually have integraded gpu's, which just doesn't work for me. So the step from business laptop that fills my needs to gaming laptop is minimal.

All of the drawbacks of a gaming laptop are barely affecting me. And while this seems like an edgecase, there are a lot more people who have needs that a gaming laptop fulfills and can't be met by other devices.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 85 points 11 months ago

I am going to assume you have a cellar spider. Removing part of the web isn't going to directly harm them. They don't recycle their web so you aren't even removing nutrients from them.

The only way it's going to affect them is by reducing their chances of catching prey. Cellar spiders don't have a sticky web and rather rely on prey brushing up against their web, then rushing there and killing it with a bite. So you are reducing the area they are covering.

They also usually just gradually increase the size of their web. So it's unlikely it will try to rebuild everything you removed at once. Meaning it's not going to waste too much energy.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 52 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Yes it's possible. Their version of Google Drive (Pan Baidu) is basically a paradise for piracy. But it's a bit of a pain in the ass for foreigners to get access. And obviously everything is in Chinese.

China doesn't care about foreign held copyright. So anything that isn't owned by a Chinese company is fair game. As long as it isn't considered banned material of course.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 64 points 1 year ago

As a man I never considered pants to be uncomfortable. They are the perfect mix of range of motion, hiding the private parts. and support. Dresses, skirts, and robes seem like a nightmare to wear. You either restrict your range of motion or have to constantly worry about showing your underwear. And I would wear boxer briefs underneath by choice anyhow, so I still end up wearing pants.

I think the bigger issue is that most of us men are too lazy to look for different kinds of pants and end up wearing the same stuff year-round. Which can indeed become uncomfortable due to changes in temperature. But that issue wouldn't be fixed by having access to dresses or robes. As again, some would either be too cold or too hot.

[-] Hillock@kbin.social 45 points 1 year ago

I don't think it went too far. Not exposing people accidentally to NSFW content takes priority over giving people a better experience consuming NSFW content. If you want to consume NSFW content head over to an instance that focuses on NSFW content. For example, lemmynsfw.com will fulfill all your NSFW needs.

That's the advantage of the fediverse, you can have different instances focusing on different types of content. And having the main sites of kbin.social or lemmy.world focus on Non-NSFW content will make the entire fediverse easier to advertise to the public.

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