No it didnt move like a slug (it head could "freely" move around like a leech) and over here we dont have such slim slug like these
Yup i think so, Microplana terrestris (given by someone else here) seems to match!
Yup, i think you are right! Still dont know how he managed to get there, but at least im a little bit less worried to take my shower now...
I had a lot of snails these days in my garden and these flatworm prey on them, so that makes sense.
I was almost sure too but i poured hot water on it to kill it (and kill any from my pipes), and the belly part is white (see pic) and i cant find any leech type with white "belly".
Say no more, we (french) didnt invade Irak cause they didnt had WMD, so we will invade Russia because they have WMD!
And somehow, for some reason, you will rename french fries as: "Oppression fries".
C'est déjà le cas, il n'y a plus que les fanatiques pur souche qui soutiennent encore méluch (comme la plupart ici). Le reste a déserté LFI en même temps que Ruffin et cie.
They lack soldiers cause they lack advanced weapons.
The first shot was pretty good, almost headshot at 100m+ is not bad at all with an iron sight, moving target and in "not firing range" condition. If he tried a headshot on purpose thats pretty good, not the smartest decision but still good accuracy.
Lol, so not only smaller penises dont own more guns, but it is totally the inverse. So there IS a correlation, but its the opposite of what everybody think, bigger size = more likely to own gun. Science will always amaze me!
They only share one thing: they are both very bad presidential candidate.
Its ironic that you didnt get the meaning of my comment, it is the perfect example how oblivious american are about their political system. You are unable to see that the problem is not the opposition, but the system itself that is nowhere near what should be called a democracy.
But yeah whatever, keep taking the blue pill.
C'est presque entièrement faux ce que tu dis... On utilise du combustible MOX dont on se fourni soit localement, soit chez une entreprise anglo-saxonnne. Le minerai vient essentiellement du Canada, Niger, Kazakhstan et Ouzbékistan et les sites d'extraction ne sont jamais exploités par des entreprises russes...
Et enfin, on a un stock stratégique de 10ans minimum. Donc si une guerre ouverte éclate, il y aura zéro problème niveau nucléaire civil.
Common wasp and germanicus vespula (european wasp) are both considered pest. Both dont pollinate. And both kill and destroy other friendly species when they do not harass you to steal your food. Same for asiatic and common hornet.
All other wasp and hornet like the blue hornet are friendly and help the ecosystem. But you will rarely encounter them cause they let you the fuck alone and mind their own business...