Finally winning the lottery!!

Not sure if it will work for you, but I installed Firefox and made that the default. Then changed it back to Samsung as the default so now I get the pop up for which one to open with.

Yes! Thank you. I have it installed and everything seems to work now, if a bit slow.

I am working on what type of security/virus stuff to use other than basic common sense. Windows once installed a virus in an update. Lots to learn. Once I get passed the security hurdle I will use it for a while until I am confident enough with the system to replace Windows on my main laptop. I really look forward to that day!

I enjoy these crossovers.

[-] 45 points 2 weeks ago

Microsoft is unable to track local accounts as thoroughly.

I was finally going to attempt installing Linux Mint only to find out it is not as simple as some say. I know less than nothing about computers and then there are mirrors you have to choose from to download. I have no idea what would be a safe secure mirror.

Then you have to install other software I have no knowledge of to make a bootable drive....I am just not intelligent enough I suppose. I was hoping it was a simple download process.

I am just a tad bit frustrated!

[-] 60 points 1 month ago

I am tired of my information making companies lots of money instead of me.(privacy issues aside) Shame you can't copyright yourself at birth.

Upvote theme change? (

I have recently updated my android app to Version 2.10.0. I have noticed my upvotes are now blue instead of purple like they were previously. I have not changed my theme.

Is there a setting I have perhaps missed? I appreciate any assistance.

[-] 52 points 2 months ago

The letter opens with an admission by the collective of police chiefs that they’re unable to do their jobs unless tech companies do half the work for them.

I suppose previous generations of law enforcement that were able to do their jobs before all this does not count.

[-] 42 points 4 months ago

When did it become ok for people to be violated so profusely without any consequence?

It happens (
[-] 38 points 6 months ago

Fourth Doctor Tom Baker’s iconic overlong scarf was an accident. Begonia Pope, the costume maker tasked with knitting it, misunderstood her instructions and used all the wool she was given. Baker loved it, and insisted on wearing it for the show. The scarf was originally twenty feet long.

The scarf in its original form was only seen in "Robot" and "The Sontaran Experiment," which was recorded right after "Robot." This particular scarf continued to both stretch and lose stripes due to wear and stunts. A stunt duplicate was also created that was shorter and had subtle color and pattern differences.

Bowties are cool! (

While not much is known about the 60th anniversary finale, this last episode may ruffle the feathers of dedicated “Doctor Who” fans, according to showrunner Russell T Davies.

Let's talk about 10 (

What are some of your past favorite Tennant episodes or moments?

[-] 60 points 8 months ago

I pay for Spotify and do not like the pop ups for podcasts and now audiobooks. I really do not like how they ruined the shuffle button and now the ugly check mark instead of the heart. I am not fond of the ui at all and will start looking at other alternatives. Imo, Spotify has gone downhill. I miss the old time Spotify.

[-] 56 points 8 months ago

My digital information should have the same privacy my home does.

Authorities need probable cause to obtain a warrant to search my home, photo album, notes, or anything else.

Tech companies are not allowed to come into my private home, look through everything, cataloge all of it, then turn around and sell it.

My electronic devices should also have these same priviledges.

[-] 190 points 11 months ago

I migrated from Reddit. Most of the communities I followed would be hours or days between posts (if they were not private). Everything left was just not pleasant.

I am still fumbling around here but for the most part it is has better discussions and people seem less rude.

I do not regret leaving at this time. I am sure my infinitesimal presence or lack there of does not bother Reddit, but it made me feel better.

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joined 1 year ago