This relies on Google servers anyway.
Encode/Decode has nothing to do with the GPU
4500 in CSGO in 9 years and I'm not planning to stop any time soon.
I know. Too bad that Nvidia has more than 85% of marketshare.
For one viewport!
The problem with Series S is split screen.
Also that's 6GB of dedicated VRAM. Consoles have unified memory, so you need to fit the OS and the non-graphics memory in there too.
Yes but nobody wants to invest that much time into building something that only works when rooted.
Can you please elaborate?
Background process limits, blocked system calls, apps getting killed for using too much memory, Android power governor bullshit,...
Tempolimit wäre als easy CO2 Maßnahme ganz nett. Gibt's auch Statistiken, die zeigen, dass dadurch Verkehrstote reduziert werden würden? So weit ich mich erinnern kann, hat Deutschland nicht wirklich mehr Verkehrstote pro gefahrenen Kilometer als unsere europäischen Nachbarn.
As long as the tracking is purely local, this seems like a good solution to me.