This looks more like a solar eclipse
1 - popsci headlines about food are always bogus
2 - skimming through the article, it suggests that the Vit B in vinegar is the suspected cause
3 - substituting vinegar for antidepressants (which the article does not state, but seems to ~~elude~~ allude to) is a bad idea
Use a towel
Just make sure it's not damp, or the resulting steam will burn you
You can either patch the binary
sudo patchelf --replace-needed "$(which paru)"
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel
git clone
cd paru-git
makepkg -si
Or do both, patch the binary, then use it to install paru-git
(which is what i did)
As a furry, i approve this message
As a furry, this confuses me in ways i did not anticipate
Timezones make intuitive sense for humans
UTC / Unix timestamps make intuitive sense for computers
The issue is bridging the gap
I wonder if KDE connect could leverage the way Syncthing does device discovery and pairing
It works across networks, with no configuration
Just a software dev furry passing by
I feel like that would cause false positives
Then again, not that many people mess with their router
I think it's both a big cat, and the perspective makes it look bigger