[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

Top mods of subs can delete them iirc, they should have just done that upon being threatened with replacement- delete all the css, unban anyone banned or alternatively ban as many people as possible and all the known admins, remove all the rules and spam filters, then delete it- so if they do resurrect it from the bin it'll be as messed up as possible as the biggest F u to the admins you possibly can.

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Bit late for that turn eh?

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

You are correct that there are many devices and plenty of examples of infrastructure that is hardened against such things- but it's just plain wrong to assume it wont be a major problem- Multiple studies have found the damage caused by a solar storm equivalent to the 1859 example would cause trillions of dollars of damage and a lot infrastructure would be down across most of the 1st world for at least months if not years.

It would probably also trigger a lot of violent outbursts from populations around the world, probably a lot of mostly peaceful and fiery looting, riots etc.

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

As someone who lives in an apartment who cannot charge their EV at home, charging at public 6.6/12kw and fast chargers is more than enough to keep my battery filled, sure its like 2~5x more expensive than charging at your own home, but it's still like 4x cheaper than what I was paying in gas per month comparatively.

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

I dont think there's a single dedicated charging station in the world that supports that speed of charging either.

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

I swear every other week I see a new video claiming Hydrogen cars are the future, despite our current tech just being inadequate to give them enough range, and how unsafe they are- ontop of how 95% of the world has next to 0 infrastructure to fuel said hydrogen fuel cars.

That's not to mention the costly & environmentally unfriendly production of hydrogen in the first place which at current production rates could never even if multiplied by multiple degrees- fully support a hydrogen majority of cars on the road.

Hydrogen Cars, the uncleanest, most unpractical and expensive "clean energy!" alternative fuel...

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

It's depressing because its probably true and even if Toyota did create such a miracle tech, it would be insanely expensive to produce and thus purchase for the consumer. Not to mention with such an insane charge rate it would most likely never reach it due to the charge stations not supporting it and power infrastructure being unable to cope with such a load.

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

ah shit, I didn't see the f on my small laptop monitor with border buffers for anonymity when I made that comments- whoops >.>

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Hell no, I'll be avoiding it like the plague, just like the rest of facecuck's services.

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Eh, I've started growing exotic fruit trees for a few years now and never measured any of the elements in the soil whatsoever and just periodically add more fertilizers into the soil- So far my Cherimoyas have been fine.

The only thing that ever kills off any of my plants is winter, specifically this last one killed off a few of my starfruit, despite me taking them in every night for months on end- we had one of the harshest winters in something like 40 years here, so not much I could do about that...

Potatoes definitely are one of the easiest things to grow ever though- like I'm growing them too and my grandfather got the mower out to cut the grass and accidentally ran them over on 3 separate occasions- and everytime the potatoes grew back perfectly fine like they didn't even notice.

Anyways, the question anon asked was if it was profitable to grow potatoes- and sure it can be, if you have a massive amount of land and a large cheap labour force- or super expensive advanced farming equipment to plant and harvest them. Potatoes are extremely cheap and to become rich farming them you'd need to produce hundreds if not thousands of tons of them- which would require a ton of work to plant and harvest them & a large amount of starting land.

In contrast, lets say you have 1 acre (43560ft)- According to a starfruit growing guide 1 Acre would be adequate enough to support 2,178 Star fruit trees. A 3 LBS package of Starfruit on amazon is 80$, A single Starfruit tree can produce 200~400 pounds of fruit per year. To make it more even, we'll go for the 300 Lbs of fruit per tree- 2,178 x 300 = 653,400Lbs of fruit, @ 80$ per 3 Lbs = 17,424,000$

Meanwhile, Walmart is selling a 10Lbs bag of Potatoes for 6.88$, which is 68.8 cents per pound- and according to a potato farmer in Oregon they produce about 22,000 Lbs of potatoes per acre per year. 22,000 Lbs @ 6.88$ per 10 Lbs = 15,136$

As you can see, the profits from potatoes is far far far less than profits from growing exotic fruit- however this usually means you must live or operate your farm in warm tropical climates, meanwhile potatoes will usually grow literally anywhere. Another bonus for fruit trees is how much easier it is to harvest, digging up and harvesting potatoes is a massive chore unless you have expensive farming equipment, plus you need to re-plant them after every harvest while a fruit tree will continue producing for decades if not a whole lifetime after they are established.

[-] Lukecis@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Potatoes aren't a cash crop, you need to produce thousands of tons of them to get rich off them...

If you really want to make good money on land per plant- you plant exotic fruit trees and sell that shit at like 50$~100$+ per pound Like fr people out here selling 1 Cherimoya for 80$ Plus Planting and harvesting Potatoes is a massive fucking chore, requiring huge amounts of labour to harvest tons of the thing unless you have extremely advanced & expensive farming equipment.

A fruit tree is just planted once, then taken care of for a few years, then their fruits plucked easily by a single person, as opposed to potatoes being planted, then harvested and then planted again every year, and to harvest them you need to dig them out of the ground which is hard work, especially in tough ground.

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