They should focus on beating Brave search before going after Bing, much less Google.
It is possible to get a real cell number from a big name carrier and then port the number to VoIP company to use VoIP service with an original cell number.
Switch phone service to VoIP, cancel cell service, all tracking capabilities is gone.
Does that also work for people who never had data service and is a wi-fi only phone for calling, no cell/mobile service?
For longtevity, I would suggest an X870 board for future CPU release options, 9800x3D for gaming, and 32GB RAM. If you ever decide to go up to a 16 core CPU you should take out the 32GB for 64GB. Don't add an additional 32GB, there's a difference in performance between 4 8GB and 2 32GB.
The GPU is whatever you want because it only takes 10 minutes to replace with a new one.
Any email service that works with K-9/Thunderbird and OpenKeychain.
I joined Privacy and Security
The link for F-Droid security issues is goijg on 3 years old, have you looked at the code xhanges for F-Droid since then?
For using Obtainium, how do you avoid or block all apps from Github that depend on GCM, Firebase, or Google services? That's wh I uae F-Droid and disable all anti-features so those apps are never listed, even if I search for an app that has Google dependancies, F-Droid will say that app does not exist or is not listed, as long as all anti-features is disabled.
It's too bad that the F-Droid releases are far behind. I do not install from Github to prevent against proprietary dependancies.
I can't speak to that with a familiar level with the code, I can only presume or guess. All I will say is that is why I never install any app from Github or Gitlabs, because there is no third party verification of the code for releases on those sites.
I only use F-Droid after disabling all anti-features in Settings and then install apps that I know are 100% clean from all dependancies.
Download the SimpleX apk from F-Droid website and then run that to see what it says for any difference in the results.
Is that based on the F-Droid version of SimpleX from the native F-Droid repository?