[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 18 points 1 week ago

I've found and eaten one of these, and honestly it wasn't amazing. Regular store mushrooms, agaricus bisporus, are actually better IMO. Although looks like she cooked it way better than I did.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 27 points 2 weeks ago

My dad survived colon cancer but then any further colonoscopy was denied for five years because it was no longer "preventative".

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 18 points 3 weeks ago

Yep, I remember the same. It's the same phenomenon as beatniks and hippies. They cast a large cultural shadow because of art and media that came from the subculture, but at the time it wasn't that many people.

Also it's easy today to forget about the reach of radio. Radio basically dictated what was popular, and even in the 90s there were still regional radio markets that were totally independent. I remember only the rich kids had MTV.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 18 points 1 month ago

Could do what nuke plants do and have another heat exchanger between the clean water and the water that evaporates, then use less clean water for that loop. If that's too expensive it just means they aren't being charged enough for potable water.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 15 points 2 months ago

Sucks, but sounds like they're taking the right steps. I have a little experience with animation graphs, but enough to know that making major updates to the player graph in a live, multiplayer game is a fucking nightmare to debug. The complexity increase is exponential because new states must play nice with many, many existing states and transitions. It's also hard to automate testing. Also parts of the animation system run in background threads so you can get race conditions. Players find that a particular input fails to trigger some flag that it should and you are now in uncharted territory, and fixing it potentially involves large logic reworks. Fun times.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 27 points 2 months ago

Toxic megacolon. Sounds like a metal band.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 19 points 2 months ago

I ran into a guy from high school and it turns out he worked for Microsoft back in the Windows Mobile days. He said that changing even a single button on a submenu would take six months of meetings, and if it involved other departments they would actively sabotage any progress due to the way MS internally made departments compete, so you could basically forget it. He said they literally backdoored software so they could sidestep other departments to get features in.

I think about that a lot.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 14 points 3 months ago

I really hate shit like the first quote because willows are incredible trees. They've also been super useful to humanity for tens of thousands of years, from everything from baskets to aspirin. You can chop off a willow branch and stick it in the ground and it grows a new tree. Try that with oak (although oaks are also cool).

Whoever wrote that knows nothing about trees. They just thought, "bendy weak not-bendy stronk." Oh not a modern, commercial timber species, must suck. Drives me nuts they pretend to be "men of the land" then say some stupid bullshit like that. It doesn't make them sound hard. A stone age man could make a fishing net out of that willow that would feed his family for a year. Fuck outta here.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 16 points 3 months ago

Reminds me of a Reddit post a while ago where someone was claiming ten thousand people were crushed by tanks and hosed down the sewer at Tiananmen Square. Ten thousand.

Even entertaining the notion that is true, picture ten thousand human bodies. Can you image the sewer infrastructure required to handle that much crushed matter?

That must be why communists invest so much in infrastructure. Here in the good old USA we stick with undersized sewer pipe that's thirty years past its useful life for reasons of freedom and safety. When it can't even handle storm water we know we're safe from hosing.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 20 points 5 months ago

When things are great, even small things like a cup of coffee with a friend or a quiet morning, take a minute to say to yourself, "this is really great." Say it out loud. Years later you will realize those moments are as good as it gets, and if you don't mark them they just disappear. Bad moments stick around in your head regardless, but the good ones need to be memorialized.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 19 points 6 months ago

Every time I've gone to a beautiful place, (Kauai/Virgin Islands/Moab etc) I've run into former insurance salesman types who just said fuck it, and stayed, and now live in an old school bus and fix outboards or whatever. Often it was precipitated by a big life event like a divorce or a child leaving the nest but sometimes they just bounced. I get it.

[-] MoonMelon@lemmy.ml 17 points 6 months ago

It'll be a common law marriage when it comes to sharing debt and calculating income for denying SNAP, single when it comes to hospital visitation rights and bereavement.

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