I highly recommend Teaching Tech's 3D Printer Calibration site. Some of it will not apply to your SV08 and some of it you will have to adjust to work with your printer, but it is a great overall step-by-step process with tools to generate various test models for tuning specific aspects of print quality.
Treat every gun as if it were loaded.
Never point a gun at anything you do not intend to shoot.
Listen, you don't outgrow toys, they just get more expensive.
Someday we will find Windows 9.
Windows XP was the last good Windows.
I think you're really only remembering XP after SP3. XP in its original form was clunky, buggy and unreliable.
It had zero bloat
Wait are you trying to be funny?
it encouraged you to use an admin account as your daily account.
This is bad. You should not do this, especially not on anything connected to the internet. You should definitely not do this on an XP system connected to the internet.
There was no built in firewall until a later service pack, but you could just opt out of that update.
I've eaten the onion, haven't I?
Tell them that they should have chosen between the person that's killing their relatives, and the person who'll do it even more.
Um... yes? Harm reduction is a completely valid basis for making a voting decision and a completely valid reason to vote for one candidate vs. another.
Making no choice is the exact same as making the worst possible choice. Not participating is the exact same as deciding that you don't care about the outcome. If this is your choice, then everyone else is completely justified in asking you why you didn't do more to stop it, to make it better, to keep it from getting worse.
If there is a valid point being made here, it's that long-term outcome-dependent strategy is more effective than short-term protestation or performative moralizing. And make no mistake, the right wing has plenty of people with long-term visions who know how to manipulate their voter base.
The left needs to start planning beyond the next election, or reacting to the latest atrocity, and develop a vision for what the country could be, what it should be.
Maybe don't be a single-issue voter?
You can't pay people to care.
All in all, you're just another brick in the wall
What other options were there in 1916 for portable power in that size?