[-] NeoNachtwaechter@lemmy.world 1 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Sometimes a name is misleading.

That's right. The name of the party "national socialists" was chosen carefully.

It seems a contradiction in itself, because nationalists would have meant the far right, and socialists would have meant the far left (and there were actually lots of other parties in between at that time before he took all the power). In truth he wanted to deceive both sides by the name.

[-] NeoNachtwaechter@lemmy.world 3 points 8 hours ago

No, you got that very wrong.

If you really want to ask for values in their ideology, it was the values of fascism (not much in terms of 'values' according to today's understanding)

But it wasn't the values that brought them votes at all. It was populism and terrorism.

[-] NeoNachtwaechter@lemmy.world 2 points 12 hours ago

I guess this would be a good starting point for your reading:


[-] NeoNachtwaechter@lemmy.world 3 points 16 hours ago

Isn't California the Capitol of the world? ;-)

I really don't think that the AI guys want to be anywhere else.

[-] NeoNachtwaechter@lemmy.world 3 points 23 hours ago

any other type of technology

Are there, for example, nuclear weapons available for general use?

[-] NeoNachtwaechter@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

What am I missing out on as a regular internet user by using the default equipment.

You miss an understanding about what your devices do. Including the devices you got from your provider.

As a consequence, you remain clueless when your devices get attacked and taken over.

What am I missing out on as a self-hoster by using whatever equipment metronet gives me?

You miss the chance of securing your network.

As a self hoster, you are a little bit more attractive, and there are more possibilities of attacking your devices, than a typical PC or mobile user.

My suggestion is an extra router with OpenWRT between the metronet device and all your other stuff. You will get some better understanding just by configuring your OpenWRT for the first time. Their documentation is very good.

[-] NeoNachtwaechter@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I don't think AI companies care about their models being misused

Yes, that is one of the current questions, if you have read the article: Should they care?

It is a serious question, because if the models are misused, that could be a threat to all mankind - much worse than a warehouse full of weapons. And if they are required to care, then they might have to rebuild their models fundamentally, and they don't know how.

It’s also not clear if it’s even possible to fully prevent AI systems from misbehaving. The truth is, we don’t know a lot about how LLMs work, and today’s leading AI models from OpenAI, Anthropic, and Google are jailbroken all the time. That’s why some researchers are saying regulators should focus on the bad actors, not the model providers.

It seems a complicated debate. Hard to find out where you want to stand. I want to show a method to find answers by creating 3 variants of an analogy.

For how many of these cases do you think somebody should be doing something?

Case 1:
A huge warehouse full of firearms. Burglars are breaking into it every night and stealing lots of weapons. The owners say they don't know how this warehouse was built and how to make it more secure in order to stop the criminals from obtaining lots of new weapons every day. The general public starts calling to the government to do something. Some say the warehouse owner should take responsibility. Others say it all depends on how the criminals use the weapons. The criminals seem to know how to use them good...

Case 2:
A huge warehouse full of hammers. Burglars are breaking into it every night and stealing lots of hammers. The owners say they don't know how this warehouse was built and how to make it more secure in order to stop the criminals from obtaining lots of new hammers every day. The general public starts calling to the government to do something. Some say the warehouse owner should take responsibility. Others say it all depends on how the criminals use the hammers. The criminals seem to know how to use them good...

Case 3:
A huge warehouse full of tulips. Burglars are breaking into it every night and stealing lots of flowers. The owners say they don't know how this warehouse was built and how to make it more secure in order to stop the criminals from obtaining lots of new flowers every day. The general public starts calling to the government to do something. Some say the warehouse owner should take responsibility. Others say it all depends on how the criminals use the tulips. The criminals seem to know how to use them good...

I'd either like to update in one swoop

Not a good idea. There may be db update scripts running during each update. You don't want to miss them.

The way is: the latest 24. Then 25. Then 26 etc.

As the other comment says, if you do it with occ, the whole thing is done in an hour.

Ich würde vermuten, es kommt von "der Ton", bzw "der Unterton". Der macht bekanntlich die Musik.

I can see only one way out for you: let them go and leave them alone, don't care about them anymore, create some distance, hang out with other people, in other places etc.


Warum leuchtet meine LED-Glühbirne weiter, wenn sie ausgeschaltet ist?

Ich habe nun fast alle Glühbirnen und Energiesparlampen durch LED ersetzt. Gestern habe ich eine 4W Filament-LED frisch vom ALDI reingeschraubt, wo vorher noch eine echte alte 40W Glühbirne war.

Sie geht wunderbar, wenn sie an ist. Aber wenn sie aus ist, leuchtet sie mit gefühlt 1/10 Helligkeit weiter, auch nach Stunden noch.

Die alte Glühbirne hat das nicht gemacht.

Das würde ich gern verstehen. Wie kann das sein?

(Bitte keine Ratschläge wie "Fachmann holen" gähn).


Domains mit Umlauten / Sonderzeichen wurden vor vielen Jahren erfunden, und vermutlich würden sie längst überall funktionieren. Trotzdem sieht man sie nirgends. Wie kommt das?


Die Bank schickt mir heute die neuen Karten. Jetzt ganz ohne "EC" bzw. "maestro". Nur "girocard" ist aufgedruckt.

Ich frage mich, ob man damit weiterhin überall bezahlen kann?

Und: gibt es bei irgendeiner anderen Bank noch weiter das maestro-Verfahren? Oder stirbt es jetzt ganz?


The comment survived all my attempts :-)

Is there something I could have done wrong, or is it simply broken?


Nachdem ich nun zweimal billig gekauft habe und die Dinger immer viel zu bald aufgegeben haben :-(, suche ich nun etwas Solides, was mir hoffentlich länger gute Dienste leisten soll.

Wer hat einen Tip für mich?


Where can I see may saved 'drafts' in the app, and delete obsolete ones?




Sometimes I am able to copy text for quoting, sometimes it does not work.

Using the Android app, latest release.

How are you doing it?


What alternative to 'postman' do you like the most for simply testing a bunch of REST services?


Has anyone else seen this when trying to post a comment?

The sub's language was English, my comment was English, too.

How can I fix it?

I have tried changing the language on my Android, but it did not fix the problem.

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joined 11 months ago