I thought that was the Onion at first.
Parenti's still alive isn't he ?
The West is clearly running out of weapons, they've even sent cold war era random number generators to Ukraine.
French is a waste of time anyway.
And cotton wasn't even free lol.
The ghost of Britain.
Worse, too much Paradox gaming.
I don't think much is gonna come out of it yet. There are riot of that intensity twice a year on average in France. Nonetheless I support this movement, even if it's not a big thing in my area of the country.
It's things like those that little by little weaken the establishment and build class consciousness. Eventually one such movement will reach the breaking point, but I don't think we're there yet. Maybe I'm wrong, we'll see.
PS: The revolution is most likely to come from impoverished minorities such as immigrants in France, especially as they and their descendants are absolutely massive in term of numbers.
Also libs are already accusing Russia and China of funding the movement lol.
Yes, exactly. Socialist states have been a net positive wherever they've been established. They have consistently enjoyed widespread support by the people, always raised the standard of living of the population, increased literacy, advanced sciences, encouraged brotherhood between peoples...
But there are of course reasons why most of them aren't around anymore. That is why we have to study their practice, analyse their mistakes so as to not repeat them, compare those states that ceased to exist with those that still do, and use all of that as a theory for our own movements.
My thoughts and prayers go to Mongolia, as they never believed in communism apparently.
I suppose you don't support any socialist country ever then ? They all had censorship and they almost all got accused of human rights violations. (And except for Cambodia, those have always either been completely false, or gross exaggeration.)
You shouldn't trust capitalist media, they have a very important incentive to steer people away from anything that would damage their power.
Most of those human rights allegations have been debunked numerous times, by MLs and others. You can find a bunch of them on YouTube pretty easily. BayArea's video about Xinjiang should still be up somewhere, and I believe BadEmpata did a good assessment of it too, even though he's vehemently anti-AES and not someone I would usually recommend.
Let's ask Xi Jinping to bomb Israel then.