[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 39 points 11 months ago

The tweet they're using as evidence has added as context "the Saudi government has made no such statement" but that one official has said that talks are on hold for now

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 42 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Apparently 6 Hezbollah fighters have been killed by Israeli shelling, and they're now gathering near the Golan Heights

link: https://twitter.com/Charles_Lister/status/1711450917369770278


Right, so there's a YouTube channel I like called Overly Sarcastic Productions. I'm sure many of you are familiar with them - they do a few different series, including History Summarized, a show which goes through the history of countries, empires, cities, etc.

The other day, they put up a video about Kyiv. The video was unusually jingoistic and anti-Russian; they don't normally pick sides in their content (but then, I guess most of the time they aren't talking about current events). On top of this, they spent quite a while equating the people of the Kievan Rus with the modern State of Ukraine, which some more historically-minded people in the comments section had a problem with. A few other people called them out for the petty anti-Russia stuff, but most either agreed with it or didn't seem to mind.

Anyway, I saw it on my subscription feed earlier, and noticed that it had a fundraiser. I found the links in pic rel in the bio.

Long story short, it turns out they the video was literally a piece of Ukrainian-government-sponsored propaganda. BraveVoices is some sort of content hub which encourages people to repost their pre-prepared videos about Ukraine or use their stock footage in original content. From their website:

Ukraine's bravery and resilience in defending against the Russian invasion continue to impress.

However, global attention to the war is waning, and fatigue from Ukrainian news growing. New media and formats are crucial to keep Ukraine on the agenda and maintain global support for its fight for freedom and democratic values.

Their Content page ends with the following:

Promote the UNITED24.MEDIA on YouTube

1.Encourage your audience to subscribe our channel using the handle @United24.media

2.Mention the United24.media channel in your Instagram story or YouTube video and tag it in the description

3.Promote specific content from the United24.Media channel in descriptions to your videos.

4.Add videos from United24.Media to end screens of your videos.

But what is UNITED24? UNITED24 is "the fundraising platform of Ukraine", according to its website.

The video ends with a call for people to donate to UNITED24 and subscribe to BraveVoices, as requested on the BraveVoices website.

They also offer to bring people to Ukraine, which... yeah, I'm happy not getting hit by a kalibr, thanks. I think it's to make content about Ukraine, but I'm not sure who would take them up on that offer (who am I kidding? There are influencers who would jump at the chance).

Oh yeah, the other link is just some kind of charity established in 2014 and based in the US, which isn't suspicious at all. Probably just a money making venture, but who knows.

Either way, this has actually quite upset me. I really liked that channel, and now they've literally just become a propaganda outlet, lying to people en masse.

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 44 points 1 year ago

Tbf this is actually a good example to point to of how consensus is reached on Hexbear, for all the people who think we're bots or paid shills. And anyway, even when a consensus is reached, it won't stop you from using the term in real life if the mods decide to add it to the filter. I don't really have a problem with it, tbh.

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 27 points 1 year ago

OP tells on themself. lol; lmao, even.

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 27 points 1 year ago

Seems as though he's saying basically what most Hexbears are saying: that Ukraine is unstable, and without Western support it will fall. All Russia needs to do is hold out until the West gets bored or pivots to Taiwan, which is easier said than done, admittedly, but is possible.

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 41 points 1 year ago

What are you talking about? It's the most explicitly pro-trans space I've ever seen. If your idea of autonomy is restricted to voting, that's your problem. We believe in actual democracy, as in the voice of the people. Can you point me to a democratic system you aspire to which doesn't ultimately exist to look after the interests of capital? That's the problem we have with what you call democracy. The Nazis were promoted into power by establishment politicians to do exactly the same thing: protect the interests of capital by eradicating communists and trade unionists. The mass murder of Jews, Roma, LGBT people, and many other groups, was neither here nor there to the industrialists who backed the Nazis.

We will always react negatively to being called Nazis, because it's so far from the truth as to be utterly laughable, if it weren't so offensive to the members of our community who would have been oppressed by the Nazis, and who often are oppressed by modern bourgeois liberal democracies.

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 27 points 1 year ago

He already did step down as CEO. Which is funny, because there's a clip of him from the GN video complaining about the lack of time to make content... my friend, you were the one who created this working environment.

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 60 points 1 year ago

I assume they were talking about this interaction:

The US fled Afghanistan and the Taliban won. Mind you, while I don’t like the Taliban, it’s better for them to be in charge than the colonial occupier the US had been trying to act as for 20 fucking years. If there is to be hope for Afghanistan in the dilemma between the Taliban and US, we must agree that the local force that actually has some stake in the country doing well is the better option.

Hardly a defence of the Taliban's ideology or methods. As for the stuff about DPRK, well... libs gonna lib.

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 34 points 1 year ago

Same thing happened in Vietnam. In fact, public opinion only really changed after the politicians started saying that it was 'time to scale down US involvement' or whatever, which only came years after many people in the Whitehouse realised the war was unwinnable. In the meantime, and despite all the famous protests and anti-war marches, the public was pretty happy to follow the official line that America was the good guy and that communism had to be stopped.

You could do an interesting analysis of this phenomenon using Gramsci's idea of Cultural Hegemony as a framing device.

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 47 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Reposting on old comment of mine with some more quotes, cos why not

Edit: This is the article I go the quotes from. There are more good ones in there too, where Hitler is essentially forced to admit that Soviet central planning was more efficient than market economies lol

I was reading through this article about German hubris whilst fighting the Soviets and modern day hubris when fighting the Russians the other day, and came across something interesting:

October 17, 1941. Hitler speaking to Reich Minister Dr. Todt and Gauleiter Sauckel:

"We shall have to settle down to the task of rebuilding the Russian track, to restore it to the normal gauge. There’s only one road that, throughout all these last months of campaigning, was of any use to the armies on the central front—and for that I’ll set up a monument to Stalin. Apart from that, he preferred to manufacture chains of mud rather than to build roads!..."

Initially I thought he was talking metaphorically, but is he actually talking about train track gauges? Did the Wermacht move supplies by train?

There's a load of other funny bits in there too:

Hitler, July 19, 1942:

"Just when the difficulties of the eastern winter campaign in the East had reached their height, some imbecile pointed out that Napoleon, like ourselves, had started his Russian campaign on 22nd June. Thank God, I was able to counter that drive with the authoritative statement of historians of repute that Napoleon’s campaign did not, in fact, begin until 23rd June!"

so-true Nice one Hitler, you really showed that guy

Hitler, August 26, 1942:

"If Stalin had been given another ten or fifteen years, Russia would have become the mightiest State in the world, and two or three centuries would have been required to bring about a change. It is a unique phenomenon! He has raised the standard of living—of that there is no doubt; no one in Russia goes hungry any more. They have built factories where a couple of years ago only unknown villages existed—and factories, mark you, as big as the Hermann Goring Works. They have built railways that are not yet even on our maps. In Germany we start quarrelling about fares before we start building the line !"

It's as if markets are inefficient or something

Hitler, August 28, 1942:

"As regards the Russians, their powers of resistance are inimitable, as they proved in the Russo-Japanese War. This is no new characteristic which they have suddenly developed."

So much for that rotten structure then, lmfao

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 40 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Ugh. When I was back on Reddit comments like those would always be downvoted to hell.

[-] Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net 29 points 1 year ago

Yearly boosters


I should be so lucky. My last booster was over a year ago, and there are no plans to introduce them for any but the oldest and youngest people in Britain.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Pseudoplatanus22@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

This is definitely me when I'm not parroting state propaganda!

This is part 1 of our new Libs of Lemmy series. If you wish to contribute, just make sure you include Libs of Lemmy in the title. An award* will be presented for capturing the biggest lemmy lib, so get posting!

NSFW spoiler*one-way ticket to official CCP cbt + milking dungeon


When I first look at the above picture of Pyongyang, it looks like any other city. However, something about looking at it makes me feel relaxed. Upon closer inspection, you'll find that it is completely devoid of adverts. No signs, posters, billboards, or logos of any kind. Some photos from street-level are similarly devoid of advertising, or only use it in a limited fasion.

This means that there is nothing to draw your eye, which, counterintuitively, allows you to really see what's going on around you, (like the architecture, for example) or just lets you relax, as there are fewer distractions. This photo of Belorusskaya Metro station has a similar thing going on. Now, on the other hand, imagine if I were in a room with you, and you were trying to read a book, and I kept on saying "hey, look at me! over here! hey! look at me! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! I'M OVER HERE! FUCKING LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" (pic rel)

I think I have ADHD (never diagnosed because I never knew how things were supposed to be, so I only realised recently that something was up lol), and that's kind of what going through any public space is like for me. Sometimes it's actually just draining, as anything which draws my attention also tires me out to an extent. I never really realised this until recently, as I have grown up in ad-heavy environments, but the contrast is absolutely night and day. Maybe it's just because I'm a commie now and I hate consumerism, but I think there's more to it than that.

The same is true of online environments. I highly suggest using an ad blocker, and, if you use Firefox, the Unhook YouTube browser extension. You can use it to hide end cards and recommendations (amongst other things), which has helped to stop me from going on huge YT binges. I didn't make that add on or anything, I just find it useful.

So yeah, fuck adverts.




Mahogany is a tropical hardwood used in the manufacture of furniture and musical instruments.

Mahogany in its truest sense comes from trees from the genus Swietenia, itself containing three species which are all native to the Americas. Of these, the most commonly used for timber is the South American Swietenia macrophylla, or Big Leaf Mahogany, although the other two species in this genus (S. humilis from Central America and S. mahogani from the Southern United States and Caribbean) are sometimes considered to be genetically indistinct, readily hybridising with one another and being defined mostly by geographical distribution.

Mahogany is especially well suited to musical instrument manufacturing due to its pleasing deep red finish, its pronounced low and low-mid frequencies, and its tendency to sound better with age. Of the large scale guitar manufacturers using mahogany, perhaps the most famous is Gibson, whose Les Paul and SG models have been made from mahogany since the 1950s.

Along with its use as a timber tree, mahogany also has a history of medicinal use. Its seeds (known as Sky Fruits) are reported as having antimutagenic, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory traits, and have been used to treat hypertension, diabetes, and malaria by people across its introduced range.

All three true mahoganies are threatened in their native ranges by habitat degradation caused by agriculture, and commercial overharvesting; this has led to the international trade of American-grown mahogany being heavily restricted (in theory) by CITES, and has led to large scale planting in South-East Asia. However, due to the low ages of most planted specimens, illegal harvesting of old-growth stands continues unabated.

Despite being threatened in its native range, it has proved hardy in the Philippines where it is planted for timber. It is facing calls for its control and removal from native habitats there due to its ability to spread quickly and suppress the growth of native vegetation; this is exacerbated by its allelopathic leaf litter, which along with blanketing the forest floor with shade, secretes chemicals that supress the growth of other plants, much like the leaf litter of the European Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus).

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