I had my domain with Dynu for years, great company btw. But I recently switched over to Cloudflare to use tunnels.

I followed the steps outlined on the CF site, removed the old name servers, added CFs name servers, enabled zone transfer at my old registrar, and when I go to my site overview on the CF dashboard I see the message "Great news! Cloudflare is now protecting your site". The transfer was initiated almost exactly 24 hours ago.

here's how I have things setup:

  • All services setup with a CF tunnel is a sub domain, so "service.mydomain.com"
  • All CF Tunnels show up as CNAME records.
  • My base domain A Record points to the public IP of my VPS. This is used as a tunnel for my email server since CF won't pass SMTP or IMAP through their tunnels. (at least that's what I was told)
  • All MX records point to relays I still have with Dynu.

I have 2 other domains with Cloudflare, one of which was also transferred from Dynu, and the tunnels on them work just fine.

Im not sure if I did something wrong, missed a step, or if I just need to wait longer.


Im wanting to replicate the files on my home server to my server at my business and a VPS. Then have it setup in a way where my laptop, iphone, etc... will automatically connect to whichever server is closest or fastest. Clearly the servers would sync amongst themselves so they all 3 stay up to date.

Is this even possible?


Syncthing has Möbius and Resilio has an official app for ios. But I am desperately trying to find something else.

Syncthing is not an option as long as it doesn’t have selective sync. Resilio works fine but even the pro version is really lacking, plus it’s more or less dead anyway. But at-least it does integrate with Files on iOS.

What I am looking for is anything distributed, anything where i can download from multiple peers at once. I have servers at home, servers at work, and a VPS that all contain the same data and Id like to be-able to pull from them all at the same time. Or at a minimum at-least something that is smart enough to connect to whichever peer is the fastest.

The biggest limit seems to be that I need selective sync, iOS Files integration, and some way to access the files from MacOS.

The only thing I could think of is a Ceph cluster but I don’t know enough about it to even know if it would work for my use.


joined 11 months ago