Crossposted from the other site. Hoping it's real because it's great to see young people getting involved and getting a union education.

The earlier the better.


Remember: no scabbing, that includes the customer too.

[-] SineNomineAnonymous@lemmy.ml 73 points 5 months ago

I first remember Russia was out of ammo and Moscow was about to be invaded any second now.

Then I was told the TB2 drones were going to end Russia.

Then I was told it was their lack of numbers.

Then I was told it was their lack of winter clothes (no, they really said that).

Then I was told himars would absolutely end them.

Then I was told no it's the cluster ammo.

Then I was told the Leopard would end then.

Then it was the JDAM.

Then the Abrams and challenger tanks.

Dont forget the french CAESAR

You can check. All of those were about to turn the tide in a major way.

They're fighting the most hardened, experienced and numerous army in Europe, a trained and well equipped military with what is effectively the second largest military budget on the planet. And they're still gaining ground.

Meanwhile israel is getting absolutely owned by random bakers wearing tactical flip flops and firing homemade RPGs. Who don't have air, ground or naval support whatsoever.

Just like Americans got owned twice in a row in the same region before.

Liberals have no idea what an actual war is. All their countries have done is fighting colonial expeditions before being told by their history books it was an unquestionable win and the complete lack of achievement or victory was actually the entire point of it.


Costco workers in Norfolk have unionised and Costco are seething.

[-] SineNomineAnonymous@lemmy.ml 35 points 8 months ago

It's true. Counterpoint: if you move places a lot (let's say if you happen to belong to a generation of people who will never be able to afford a place - which is a huge amount of people), your library needs to fit into a small tablet sized reader. Can store 5000 books, I do not have the means to move that amount of books every time my landlord decides to make my rent more unaffordable. An ereader fits in my pocket.


For UK based teachers (currently not based in the UK at the moment, but have been in the UK for a while and might be heading back soon). It appears evident that the "reddit equivalent" are a bunch of conservative scabs so it would be worthy to have something in a more progressive place.

[-] SineNomineAnonymous@lemmy.ml 34 points 11 months ago

"forgot". The guy really went above and beyond to sell his gimmick "no cgi". I've even seen some of his fanatics defend this by saying "IMAX reels can only hold 3 hours of film which is why the CGI people had to be removed from credits". As if they couldn't have been credited early in the credits and as if the movie wasn't less than 3 hours (don't know where that person was but where I am, the movie is supposed to last 2h40 something minutes, aka less than 3 hours)


joined 3 years ago