I don't even know how they can attempt to be smug about it. It was already entirely destroyed by the time trump got in lol. It was entirely leveled under Biden. Now it's what happens with the rubble
It's not going away. Probably every. So might as well be happier when China does better with it
Who the fuck thinks chapo is going to save the democratic party lolll
Just the absolute lowest tier material
I'm probably almost there too lol I'm trying
Probably bdsm shit mixed with weebs inability to interface with a woman so much that even in their fantasies they have to purchase the woman to have any interaction.
Are winds calming down yet? The way the fires are around LA it really looks like a Chicago fire event is a non zero chance, looks insane.
I am like 75% sure he says shit like this and then when Trudeau is like NO YOU WILL NEVER HAVE US HOW DARE YOU he just laughs that anyone took it seriously then keeps saying it
Bit idea. Need this as a 2 panel comic lol
An anarcho-primitivist looking down a high powered scope at the lens crafter ceo saying "the capitalists will sell us the rope..."
Fucked up part is that this isn't just some dickhead boss lol this is a very large company with multiple distribution centers. This call was made by like a group of people. It affects like 400 employees lol
Only somewhat related, but recently a bar that my gf previously worked at got new management. And part of the rules is that neither staff or customers can cuss.
Lmao this place was a dive. Imagine going to a place and paying money at a fuckin BAR and you can't curse. Unreal.
Just had to put that out there.