[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 12 points 1 year ago

I know that I am not back. And I won’t be back, and I think a lot of people are staying away as well. That the traffic is now normal seems a bit sketchy.

I'm afraid that's just bubble bias. Most people just don't care or haven't found a viable alternative yet. These +43k active users on Lemmy are huge for Lemmy, but not even a scratch for the other site.

After the initial exodus at the start of this month, you could see more and more comments demanding returning to business as usual.

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 11 points 1 year ago

Utopia (from Ουτοπία) is an impossible Vision of the future, while Evtopia (from Ευτοπία) is the best possible Vision.

Interesting. I never heard of Evtopia, and I also did not understand Utopia as necessarily impossible. Could be possible or impossible, depends on context.

I also don't think being unreachable is necessarily a bad thing. Consider an 'Ideal'. Although some ideals may never be fully actualized, they are seen as something good and worth pursuing nevertheless.

But mostly, I don't think the opinions of proponents or opponents of this idea are swayed by wether we call it Utopia or Evtopia. If anything, using the more common term makes it more relatable.

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 12 points 1 year ago

If Meta plays dirty, defederate them then. Now is just too premature.

These actors play nice until they are too big to ignore. If you let them gain that much ground, it's too late to isolate them without doing even more harm to your own network.

Also Meta is not a startup with unknown reputation. Meta plays dirty, that's a given.

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 11 points 1 year ago
  • Können sie machen im Sinn von "vor Gericht kommen sie damit durch".
  • Können sie nicht machen im Sinn von "die Community lässt es ihnen durchgehen".

Ist an der Stelle egal, ob etwas eine Demokratie ist, eine Diktatur, eine Firma oder ein Angelverein. Alles sind letztlich Konstrukte von Menschen, und wenn die sich organisieren und Widerstand leisten, ändert sich was. Die Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnungen können sich verschieben.

Natürlich wird spez versuchen, das Potential des Widerstands herunterzuspielen. Je mehr er damit überzeugt, desto unwahrscheinlicher wird mein zweiter Punkt; dann lassen wir es ihm eben doch durchgehen. In die selbe Kerbe schlagen hier auch deine Äußerungen.

Es ist ein Machtkampf, der da stattfindet, und in die Zukunft sehen kann niemand.

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 9 points 1 year ago

I think it makes sense to pour oil in the fire while it lasts, and only leave as you propose, once nothing can be won anymore.

The downside of leaving early is that it skews the picture. The apathetic remain, and their voice to return to BAU becomes disproportionally louder. It's also what the company counts on, that it 'will pass'.

But I also spend like 99% of my time here, and only visit the old site for a few minutes every other day. In the end, everyone will do what feels right for them, but arguments can be made either way.

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 13 points 1 year ago

Naja, wenn du etwas gegen den Zustand tun möchtest, und nicht nur gegen das Gefühl: Leute kennenlernen!

Da könnten die anderen Tipps sogar kontraproduktiv sein, die dich mit Stöpseln in den Ohren weiter sozial isolieren.

Du kannst

  • in der Bahn Leute anquatschen
  • in der verbliebenen Freizeit einer regelmäßigen Gruppentätigkeit nachgehen
  • daten
  • Angebote von meetup oder nebenan.de nutzen
  • mehr Kontakt zur Familie suchen, z.B. während den Fahrten mal wieder wen anrufen

Ist jedenfalls kein Schicksal, was du einfach akzeptieren musst. Die ersten Schritte können schwer sein, aber auch das lässt sich üben.


I use this tool when I'm looking for a place to move home.

While the maps for walking and cycling look rather unsurprising, the maps for driving and public transports can reveal surprising insights.

I don't want to check apartments only to find out they are too far away from my points of interest. And with too far away, I naturally mean time, not distance. Traveltime Maps helps with that.

So I create a map layer centered around my workplace, a layer for friends, a layer for another point of interest. The common overlap area is the area in which I would be willing to live. By definition, all my regular trips can be done within the time limit I find acceptable.

An example for Tokyo, public transport, 75 minutes:

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 9 points 1 year ago

Seems like the fedi way to solve these disputes 👍

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 11 points 1 year ago

Everyone who posts or comments gets automatically banned by automod, as participation is working and against community ideals.

So good :D

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 10 points 1 year ago

I mean ...

That's active users last month. Roughly +50% or +10k in less than a week.

So the data seems to strongly speek against it; lemmy gets more users just fine despite being so difficult.

One question is how many of those will leave again. And obviously, we should strive to make it more user friendly. I fully support your proposals. I just don't think it's right to paint them as a necessity for growth, they evidently aren't.

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemmy.click to c/war@group.lt

cross-posted from: https://kbin.social/m/ukraine@sopuli.xyz/t/42533

Russia's demands for a peace deal will be totally unrealistic, so it is hard to see how the war can end as long as Putin is president

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 13 points 1 year ago

No one was saying cost was not an option but it was a ludicrous cost

Yes, the "fuck you price" as a vlogger recently called it. A price you put up if you actually don't want to make business with someone, but can't say that openly without losing face. So you put up a price no one in their right mind is willing to pay to get what you want (they leave), without technically excluding anyone, so you don't lose face. Glad how this backfired.


cross-posted from: https://radiation.party/post/14120

[ sourced from TechCrunch ]

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 14 points 1 year ago

Yes, I think that's what they tried to explain. If you do not unsubscribe from a community on an instance which has defederated your instance, you will only ever meet lemmys from your home instance in this community. This probably gets stale rather quickly, hence the recommendation to unsubscribe.

If you want to interact with lemmys from other instances, unsubscribe from communities from instances which defederated your instance.

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemmy.click to c/duolingo@lemmy.world

This is a guide for those who want to get more XP, or who want to climb the weekly league to diamond and stay on top.

This perspective is not about learning a language, but to maximize time efficiency and XP gain.

  1. Timed Challenges

Check which language course has your favorite timed challenge. Different courses can have different challenges at the same time. *

My favorite is Lighting Round. Match Madness is the worst. The later levels are impossible (?) to complete. It becomes increasingly harder, but the rewards for completing stage 1 or 2 remain the same. So the best you can do is to stay in the first level, and quit after stage 1. Low reward, but at least quick.

Choosing an easy language helps a lot. Arabic is rather hard as a language, but quite efficient in terms of XP, since most practice/challenge rounds consist of very easy pseudo-Arabic exercises. These are easy to memorize and quick to complete. **

  1. XP Boosts

You get two XP boosts per day. You need to complete one lesson in the evening and one lesson in the morning to unlock them. These boosts can be used the next day in the same time period and expire if you don't.

You get another XP boost whenever you complete a set of lessons (e.g. "5 of 5", full circle). This boost activates immediately and cannot be stored. XP boosts affect your account; you can switch to another course while retaining the boost. This means you can complete a set of lessons in an easy language, and switch to another language (for example with your favorite timed challenge). This also allows you to 'store' boosts for quick access if you keep a few courses with almost completed lessons to finish them to unlock the boost when needed.

You get an XP boost of double length (30 minutes) when completing a friend's quest. This boost can be stored for up to 6 days (?). Use it to get a head start in ladders, or to overtake a competitor before the ladder ends.

  1. Ladders

Most people do not approach duolingo competitively, but some do. When a new league has started, check the weekly graph of each competitor. This will inform you wether they have rather consistent, or erratic behaviour.

The erratic types can be dangerous. Some people can suddenly make 10k XP in a day and displace you from your top spot. Most try to rather continuously gain XP, and seem to be encouraged by competition close in reach. You don't want that.

To frustrate the latter type, and be better prepared against the former, try to build as much XP as possible as soon as you join your league (friend's quest boost, boosts from other courses). This can compell others to believe it would be pointless to compete against you, and everyone has a more relaxed week. It also makes it harder for surprise attacks. Try to maintain or increase the distance to #2 over the week, to not give them any ideas.

  1. School

You can sign up for free to https://schools.duolingo.com/. This will

  • remove ads from your account, which saves time.
  • allow you to toggle between normal and infinite hearts.
  • remove the possibility to watch ads for gems, which is a net loss in gems gain, but might be worth for the ad free experience.
  • remove the gem cost for timed challenges, which allows to restart them freely, or abandon for early XP

These effects stay in place after you left the school course, so you can have both these benefits and participate in regular weekly ladders.

*) If anyone knows how to check which course has which challenge (ideally a schedule overview), please let me know. Best and only way I currently know is to manually visit them by changing the course.

**) What other easy / XP-efficient languages do you know?

Feel free to add anything that's missing, and please correct any mistakes.

How do you approach the competitive side of duolingo, what has worked best for you?

[-] Spzi@lemmy.click 11 points 1 year ago

Crossgolf in Industrieruinen finde ich cool, aber dafür extra Natur platt machen ist voll daneben.

Jipp, gute Aktion 👍

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemmy.click to c/meta@lemmy.click

Hello, fellow clicks!

Since I migrated from reddit a few days ago (here to stay), I tried to find and subscribe to communities of interest. Sometimes it works, but more often it does not.

I try to

  1. find the community using the built in search function: "space"
  2. force-find the community by changing the query to: "space@lemmy.ml" or "!space@lemmy.ml"
  3. manually construct the URL: https://lemmy.click/c/space@lemmy.ml

Neither works currently for this community, although it exists: https://lemmy.ml/c/space@lemmy.ml

Am I doing something wrong? Has this worked before all the reddit refugees came, Is it a temporary issue?

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemmy.click to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.click/post/22128

The remarkable concurrence of three dramatic climate events:

  1. Antarctic sea ice extent now over 2 million kilometers below the 1991-2020 mean
  2. global 2-meter surface temperatures breached the 1.5°C barrier for the third consecutive day
  3. WTF is happening to the world’s oceans, and in particular the North Atlantic? Ocean temperatures have been setting unprecedented daily records, spiking to highs that are shocking climate scientists, as they look for possible reasons.

North Atlantic SST anomaly

submitted 1 year ago by Spzi@lemmy.click to c/science@lemmy.ml

The remarkable concurrence of three dramatic climate events:

  1. Antarctic sea ice extent now over 2 million kilometers below the 1991-2020 mean
  2. global 2-meter surface temperatures breached the 1.5°C barrier for the third consecutive day
  3. WTF is happening to the world’s oceans, and in particular the North Atlantic? Ocean temperatures have been setting unprecedented daily records, spiking to highs that are shocking climate scientists, as they look for possible reasons.

North Atlantic SST anomaly

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joined 1 year ago