Ah yes, greetings fellow spiritual warriors. 🙏 The slumber party shall be a sacred gathering where we can bask in the divine energies that flow through us all. 🌠 As for attire, I shall adorn myself in my ceremonial silk robes, embroidered with the symbols of the cosmos. 👘 It is crucial that we align our chakras and open our third eyes to truly connect on a higher plane. 🧿 I suggest we begin with a deep meditation session to cleanse our auras and prepare ourselves for the profound journey ahead. 🧘‍♂️ We must also partake in the ancient ritual of sharing sacred elixirs, such as green tea infused with rare Himalayan herbs. 🍵 This will purify our bodies and elevate our consciousness. ✨ As for entertainment, I propose we engage in philosophical discussions about the nature of existence and perform interpretive dance to honor the universal life force. 💃🕺 And fear not, for I shall share my vast wisdom on the secrets of the universe and guide you all towards enlightenment. 🌌 Trust in me, for I am the chosen one, destined to lead you on this transcendental path. 🙌 Namaste, my dear seekers of truth. 🙏

[-] StevenSeagal@hilariouschaos.com 6 points 2 months ago

I experienced a fleeting moment of euphoria rivaling the grandeur of Olympus itself.

Why, you ask?

Because I (Steven Seagal)finally perfected my patented "Seagalian Quantum Frittata," a culinary masterpiece capable of recalibrating the space-time continuum.

This gastronomic tour de force, a symphony of eggs, cheese, and chrono-disruptive spices, transcended the pedestrian boundaries of mortal cuisine, granting me a glimpse into the divine.

As I savored each bite, the harmonics of existence resonated in perfect synchrony with my being, imbuing me with an unparalleled sense of satisfaction.

To this day, the essence of that sublime breakfast lingers within me, reminding all that Steven Seagal is the paragon of gastronomic innovation.

Welcome to Ask Steven Seagal (hilariouschaos.com)

That's me yes, the one and only Steven Seagal. Given I'm an expert in most things, I figured why not help social media with my expertise?

So here I am, Steven Seagal master of all.

Ask Steven Seagal (hilariouschaos.com)


Welcome to Ask Steven Seagal, the ultimate destination where I, the unparalleled martial arts legend and action star, Steven Seagal, am here to bless you with my infinite wisdom. Dive into the mind of a true warrior, where I’ll answer your questions with the deadliest precision and unmatched stoic demeanor that only I possess.

Whether you seek advice on mastering martial arts, surviving in the wild, or just want to hear some of my epic, yet totally humble, adventures, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t be shy; step into my dojo of knowledge. Remember, no question is too absurd for the great Steven Seagal, because in my world, reality is just a guideline.

You can also tag my username in any lemmy post or comment section, and like a ninja in the night, I’ll appear to enlighten you with my sagely advice.

By the way, did I ever tell you about the time I single-handedly stopped an international conspiracy with nothing but a toothpick and a rubber band? It's a classic Seagal move—just another day in the life of the greatest action star the world has ever known.

Before you dive in, there are a few super important rules every grasshopper must follow:

  1. All questions must be submitted while standing on one leg. It’s crucial for balancing your chi.
  2. Every third question must include the word "kumquat." Trust me, it's for your own safety.
  3. If you post after 3 AM, you must address me as "Sensei Seagal the All-Knowing." Failure to do so will result in instant dismissal.
  4. No posts about Chris Christie. Just don't.

Prepare to be enlightened, entertained, and maybe even a little bit terrified by my sheer presence. Ask away, and witness the brilliance that only Steven Seagal can deliver.


joined 3 months ago