Thank you for the message. I don’t find your message to be as much of doomerism than you’ve warned upfront, and if anything, I think you’re being really optimistic, though not in a bad way.
On the topics mentioned under The Carrot, as someone’s who’s technically inclined, I’m not sure if I agree on finding new companies here just to replace the American ones, as it feels like we’re possibly leading ourselves down a similar path where few options exist and money, and power, ends up getting centralized and controlled by random individuals, leading to a possibly oligarchic scenario. What would stop the stakeholders from these companies from installing someone who would place profits before people, if not slowly replacing CEOs over CEOs as they slowly go down that slide? And we already have great decentralized options to replace many, if not all, of these services. Sure, they still have usability issues, but I think things, in this alternative tech landscape, are already in the right direction, even if they aren’t great and may even require a complete rethink. “There is opportunity, but we shouldn’t seek to just replace what’s lost as is,” is what I’m trying to say. If anything, Canada’s been a bit behind as we’ve relied on the US for so much for so long.
They’ve been spamming some attack ads about some fake strawman Carney on YT pretty damn aggressively. And idk if I’d ever call whatever they’ve had these last couple years a platform.