
joined 6 days ago
[–] 0 points 2 days ago

Office apps removing the top bar (File, Edit, etc) completely, not even by pressing ALT you can have it

Mario Kart newer versions not having missions like we had in the DS edition, does it count? (Not to mention Pokemon not supporting the full dex at every game anymore)

SoundCloud putting way more adverts on the mobile app than on desktop, we are talking about one adv every two songs instead of every 10-20, simply because there are more casual users on the mobile space and the competition is two monopolists like Spotify and YTMusic

Phone built-in music apps (and most local music apps) not supporting division of music by folder, only by metadata

Every single stupid game on mobile framelagging if you don't have a flagship, because screw lower quality settings, a frogger clone clearly needs hundreds of magabytes to display your voxel art at 120fps even if only 10 end up being shown

AWS changing their console layouts every year but not even once having a clear graphical explanation of all the costs

META chats all having different options and usability and no intercompatibility

WhatsApp changing every now and then so my gradma has to learn every time, and now risks inviting people to calls because the button to add new people has a new quick special place

Google News putting notifications after notification after notification not knowing there are 20 of them already and the user always skips through them. But hey, your phone is now smart with Gemini

[–] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

That could be an interesting explanation of why gender studies have been a target so often, even during the Nazi era

Other scapegoats have changed, while this comes bsck

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Io ho invece la sensazione che I nativi digitali dai 2000-2005 in su tendino a non credere a nulla di ciò che trovano a telefono, e soprattutto che magari usano i social ma non cercano sui motori di ricerca o su wikipedia

Per chi ha vissuto internet pre-social, era scontato che bastava qualche ricerca per ottenere informazioni importanti. Chi invece ha iniziato direttamente sui social non ha appreso questo meccanismo, al massimo lo fa durante un compito per casa apposito.

Ora c'è la nuova ondata com le LLM generative, ma il loro uso mi dà più la sensazione si essere un sostituto di reddit che dei genitori, perché a sua volta reddit era una alternativa ai genitori.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Considerando che prima certe domande le avrebbero fatte a coetanei o poco più, o a google, direi che è buona cosa