[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 6 points 1 year ago

I'm the forever GM, but my players also insist I play a PC in the party, so I kinda still get to play. I think they know otherwise I'd never be a player. LOL

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 22 points 1 year ago

I left my teens a long time ago, but I'm still constantly asked how high school is going for me. There is plenty of risk for an adult with this. Some of us just look like kids forever. 😬

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

About to start a new gm-less co-op campaign with the spouse. It takes place in a setting we've been building for years. Basically a gothic horror/steampunk world where the goddess of the sun and healing has died, so there's no sun and healing/resurrections don't work as expected. As a result of all the failed resurrections, there's all sorts of phantoms and abominations roaming the darkness in between the remaining cities. So lots of tension and horror, our favorite thematic elements.

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 7 points 1 year ago

I work an outdoor job in another hot state. We typically take a water and shade break every forty-five minutes or so for about fifteen minutes. Not having those breaks, especially when we're in head to toe PPE, would kill most of us and we're used to it.


Hi all!

My spouse and I play PF2e as a co-op gm-less game together (or maybe it would be considered a co-op co-gm game?). One of the things we allow is dual classing when we're playing this way to round out our party of two a bit better.

So here's the thing, I'm playing a Wild Druid and I can't for the life of me figure out what other class pairs well with it. It seems like a lot of classes don't work with Wild Shape too well. I've never had this issue with previous class combos, but I'm struggling with druid.

My spouse is playing a champion/sorcerer to give an idea of the party dynamics.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

As a trans masc enby, I relate to this so deeply.

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

I'm all for a good debate. I frequented the technology subreddits since they're related to my work and I love a good OS or language debate. I've learned a lot from hearing other people's arguments. So that all sounds like friendly banter to me!

I do think the smaller the subreddit, the safer you are. Most of my best experiences are in those subreddits. I just found myself wishing I could explore Reddit a bit more without walking away bummed out by all the hate. It's hard finding a good subreddit.

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 6 points 1 year ago

The worst of it, by far, is of course the front page. But some of the subs I can think of off the top of my head where I encountered trans or homophobia are r/Science and even r/Pathfinder2e (if you know anything about the Pathfinder universe, this might seem mind boggling). There was pro LGBTQ+ support in many of these subreddits, but there was always a comment or a debate or whatever in every queer related thread.

The subreddit for the state I live in, while generally supportive, has numerous comments debating my right to exist as a queer person in most threads even vaguely LGBT related. It's frustrating knowing I could basically only find refuge in LGBT subreddits. Everywhere else, there was always someone making a jab or starting an argument. It's exhausting.

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 9 points 1 year ago

That's a real relief to me. I see enough of that living in a very red town in a red state. Online communities are one of my only ways to talk to people who don't want me gone.

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 44 points 1 year ago

I've only been here for a day, but the lack of homophobia and transphobia here compared to Reddit has been a breath of fresh air. I'm not afraid of posting here like I was on Reddit, where I'd actually have to debate with myself for a minute or two before posting. It's like finally leaving a bad relationship; now I'm starting to see how bad that all was for my mental health.

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 12 points 1 year ago

Ugh, what I wouldn't give to be back in my parents' house just for a day to hear them lose their shit on this. LOL

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

Back when I was Christian, I hated what I was. I spent my youth "praying the gay away" and all that. As a result, I suffered from depression and anxiety pretty much straight out of the womb.

Then I came out, was ostracized by my Christian family, and everything I was afraid of happening happened.

But you know what? I ended up finding a new family who loves and supported who I am. I married a wonderful woman who loves me in all my trans masc non-binary, bisexual confusion.

I realized that what I hated wasn't my being queer, what I hated was that my family would never love me unconditionally. Now I love who I am and I honestly feel happier than I ever did performing the cis straight dance.

[-] Sunspot@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

It sounds like you're upsetting the right people.

My wife is a practicing witch. She definitely needs a shirt like this.

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